
iNews: The toddler who accidentally bought a car on eBay

The latest parenting news from Australia and around the globe

Toddler accidentally buys car on eBay

Have you ever left your smartphone unattended and unlocked? Perhaps you've stepped away to grab a drink, or someone has knocked on the door.

Sleep-starved children cost Aussie taxpayers $27 million each year

Parents are seeking medical advice for children's health concerns that can be easily fixed by establishing good sleepi

How to tell if your toddler will drink alcohol as a teen

Do you ever look at your children and wonder what they'll be like when they're all grown up?

Woman gives birth to a son, then triplets ... all on the same day

Sabrina Negus of Tilden, Nebraska gave birth to four healthy baby boys earlier this year. She had triplets, plus one.

'Smart' nappies that tell you if your baby is sick

There's a lot of guess work when babies are young.

More than half of teenage girls want to lose weight

Have you ever spoken to your teenage daughter about her weight?

Next time your child grumbles about going to school, tell them about Malala

"I don't want to go to school."

"School is boring."

Keli Lane: Tegan is alive and will find me

The husband of convicted murderer Keli Lane says his wife maintains baby Tegan is alive and living with another family.

This 4-year-old is the mayor of a town

Mayor Robert "Bobby" Tufts may only be four, but he's the mayor of the tiny town of Dorset in Minnesota.

Breastfeeding mums need more support at work

Why should we have to stop breastfeeding just because we are returning to work?

Robert Hughes' legal team demands witness interview payment details be made public

Hey Dad star Robert Hughes appeared in a Sydney court yesterday to face child abuse charges.<


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