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This week, Australia witnessed two people cheating on their fake spouses on national TV.
It was weird for us.
There was a lot of lip-licking.
A fair bit of awkward small talk about… olives.
At one point Sam threw Ines on the bed and it felt like we were watching a porno that was never meant to be released to the public.
Although the experience has been deeply traumatic for all of us, we did notice something a lil’ bit odd about the whole ‘cheating scandal’.
It seems incredibly staged almost as if the producers have set this whole thing up for ratings.
I mean…. wot.
Here are the clues that Sam and Ines’ cheating scandal is the result of one very hardworking producer:
1. Ines was wearing different undies the next morning.
After their night together, which if it was a porno it would be titled Cheating On My Fake Wife With The Actual Devil, Ines was wearing different undies.
The night before she was wearing black undies.