
#GrowingUpAustralian is the best viral hashtag of 2016.

Call it a day, people. Pack up yo’ stuff. Because #GrowingUpAustralian IS THE BEST TWITTER HASHTAG OF ALL TIME.

Confused? Let me take you through this glorious treasure trove of true blue Aussie mem’reez.

#GrowingUpAustralian is basically a whimsical wonderland of people sharing stuff that only Aussie kids grow up with (I can’t guarantee that these things only exist in ‘Straya… but for the sake of having a good time let’s just pretend that they do, okay?). I mean, where else will kids be handed a pack of fake cigarettes called Fags and nobody bats an eye FOR DECADES?

Only Australia, I tell you. Only Australia.

Here’s another of my personal favourites…

There are so many unique, iconic symbols of Australian childhood. So without further ado, here are our favourite posts from the #GrowingUpAustralian Twitter feed.

You’re so very welcome.


Can’t get enough of this Aussie madness? You know you’re from ‘Straya when… 

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Top Comments

Shelly Palmer 8 years ago

Not only do I remember Fags but I also remember chocolate cigarettes that were wrapped in paper complete with filter tip colour!

Also finger buns, mixed lollies from the milk bar, milk bars in general, finding a "lucky" in your Sunny Boy/Razz/Glug which gave you a freebie, Space Food sticks, fried chicken at McDonald's...

libb 8 years ago

SPACE FOOD STICKS! I'd forgotten about them!! They were the best!

Rush 8 years ago

Ahhh, mixed lollies... back in the day when you get a huge bag of lollies for 50 cents! I feel a bit sorry for kids these days, most of them will never know the joy of you and your best friend jumping on your bikes and riding to the milk bar for a 50 cent mix!