I didn’t graffiti anything at work… but I wish I had. (Source: Supplied.)
Now, here’s something that I don’t tell many people: almost 10 years ago, I was fired from a job. It was humiliating and awful. But as difficult as it is to admit, it was one of the best things that could have happened to me.
In my experience, when I really was fired, it was worse than all of the times that I imagined it happening.
Related: Can colouring in as a grown woman really help with stress?
New job, new life
Here’s how it went down. For my first degree, I’d studied graphic design. As much as I loved other creative aspects of that degree, one thing I learned was that I actually hated graphic design and that I didn’t have a flair for it.
Still, I persevered and eventually got a job as a graphic designer/fashion assistant. I took a brief break to “find myself” (i.e. experiment with being an actress and retail sales assistant), before giving the design thing one last, big effort.
I started a new job as a graphic designer for a small jewellery company, and I was determined to give it my absolute best.