Imagine how you’d feel if you found out your partner had lied about how you look in order to impress his friends.
Well that’s exactly what happened to Reddit user throwawayizgood.
She began by explaining that she and her husband, Dick, had always had what she thought was a good relationship. She said that while she had always been overweight, recent lifestyle changes meant that she had been able to lose a considerable amount. Regardless, she felt that that Dick had always been slightly ‘out of her league’.
Recently Dick, who did not have a wide circle of friends, began spending time with some co-workers. Initially throwawayizgood declined offers to join the group as she wanted her husband to form friendships on his own.
However, having watched the friendships blossom over the past few months, she decided to accept an invitation to the movies when she heard that some of the other guys were bring partners.