Author and podcaster Yumi Stynes is a mum of four and a passionate advocate for parents talking to their kids about sex at every age. But that doesn't mean she thinks it is easy.
"I think a lot of parents have inherited shame from their own parents and from our culture and society at large," Yumi tells Mamamia.
"I think it's partly shame about icky body fluids, but parents also worry about saying the wrong thing. Worry about planting an idea in their mind that wasn't there before and then just making things worse! A lot of the difficulty parents have with these types of chats is just not knowing what to say and how to say it; it's a very unflexed muscle that most of us have."
Watch: The basics of sexual consent. Post continues below.
Yumi believes parents need to get comfortable with the icky stuff, but also have access to good quality resources that help them get over their own embarrassment. This is partly why she co-wrote the book, Welcome To Sex with Dr Melissa Kang, to help parents give their kids the sex education that we never got at home or school.
"Everyone needs trusted resources for this kind of chat. Whether that's this book or another, you need to get the facts and the language right, because I think you can easily stumble into saying the wrong thing or saying something that's informed by sexism or bad science. I would say to any parent that shoring up your own information first is really helpful and a good way to start."