‘Tis the season to be jolly.
‘Tis also the season to eat and drink until we descend into a food coma abyss.
Christmas food is one of the best things about the festive season.
For one month a year, it becomes acceptable to do things that are definitely not okay for the remaining 11: Eat an entire advent calendar in one sitting, have three serves of pudding with brandy sauce AND ice cream and drink eggnog at 11pm on a Wednesday.
There’s a whole lot of wonderful food, way too much alcohol and not a lot of time for exercise. It may be a recipe for fun, but it also could be doing some not-so-fun damage to your body. We then spend the whole of January and a bit of February (plus March, maybe even April) trying to get rid of our holiday weight.
Here are 5 (realistic) things you can do over the Christmas period to stay as healthy as you can: