Image via Elf/Guy Walks Into a Bar Productions.
You walk into Christmas lunch with a game plan. You know exactly how to prioritise the right amount of nibbles and mains so that you’ll have room for dessert. You’ve got this.
Then you quickly forget all the rules and eat everything you possibly can, shouting in between mouthfuls: “WHO NEEDS A PLAN ANYWAY, IT’S CHRISTMAS, B*TCHES!”
Before you know it you nursing a food baby and feeling sick and sorry for yourself.
Don’t stress, accredited Practising Dietitian Geraldine Georgeou tells us about how to beat the dreaded Christmas food coma.
Continue eating (yes, really.)
I know. It sounds crazy but hear us out because this makes sense. Georgeou explains that one very important factor when working yourself out of a food coma is to eat properly the following day.
“A lot of people think ‘I’ve eaten so much, I won’t eat barely anything tomorrow then,’ but it doesn’t work like that. Breakfast is key. I think a lot of people forget that if you don’t start with breakfast you automatically start making yourself feel tired and will have a lack of energy,” she explains.
“Our brain works on fuel, so even if you’ve over-fuelled yourself the day before, you need to make sure you’re still providing fuel for the day ahead. You might find starting off with a breakfast smoothie and throughout the day don’t forget to balance your meals with low GI carbohydrates, as well as adding some good fats, and some good proteins in there.”
“It’s important that people remember that after four hours you need a food top up.” (Post continues after gallery.)