After my four-year-old daughter has just recovered from what is her fourth childcare illness in as little as two months, I'm filled with deep dread. What is "walking" pneumonia? How do you get it? How do I stop her from getting it? How much more can her poor little body take? And it’s not even winter yet!
Ever since starting daycare a few years ago, it feels like my daughter has been unwell every other week. I’ve been paying high fees for her to contract croup, influenza, COVID-19, conjunctivitis, common colds, croup (again), and who knows what else that she hasn’t been formally tested for. I've had conversations with her centre’s educators when a child has been dropped off clearly not feeling their best self, I have even posted on my local Facebook noticeboard a friendly reminder for parents not to drop their kids off to care sick. (Anonymously, of course.)
All parents want is for their children to be healthy and happy, but when they’re so sick so often, they don’t get the chance to be either of those. If there's one benefit at all, it’s that the steady illnesses flowing in from daycare have taught us a trick or two when it comes to managing it at home.
Here's my handy list of the eight tricks to get you through daycare sickness.
Safeguard the whole family’s immune systems
As the age old saying goes, "It's all about prevention, baby" (something like that), so being prepared for impending sickness is your first defence.
I can recommend the Nature's Way Triple Immune Support Gummies (different ones for adults and kids), which are designed to support the whole family's healthy immune systems, against illness all year round.
- Kids Smart High Strength Vita Gummies Triple Immune Support is packed with vitamins C and D3, and zinc to support kids' tiny immune systems to fight illness.
- For the adults, there’s the High Strength Adult Vita Gummies Triple Immune Support, a triple-active formula designed to support your immune system around the clock.
A healthy immune system is key to helping fight illness so placing a focus on keeping it strong and supported sets you up nicely for what is surely lurking at your next daycare pickup.