
Grey hair don't care: how to beat silvers without the dye.


Grey hair don’t care?

Well me too!

I have more and more every time I look in the mirror, and if my darling mother is anything to go by, I’ll be grey by the time I’m 40. Sorry mum, but you did rock that silver blonde there for a good innings!

BUT…I am determined to fight to stubborn greys for as long as I have the strength and where-with-all to do so.

Which leads me to my trusted dry shampoo-style hair powder.

It’s by Spilt Milk and it rocks!

A simple shake and brush into the hair and you’re done.

At $65 a pop, its not cheap, but it seriously lasts and saves tedious time in the hairdresser chair. It's worth the investment I say...

Buy it from these stockists (I can't find where to buy online except Grays Online!!):

Spilt Milk Stockists

Rock your hair where greys don't dare!

Stay pretty

mollie xx

This post originally appeared on Mollie Makeup

You can find out more about Mollie on her websiteFacebook page and on Instagram


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