We’ve all been there.
Every day at 3pm something strange would happen.
I would look under and around my desk, and try and work out the best place to curl up for a refreshing nap.
Luckily this plan never fully eventuated, in part because I couldn’t source a nap-appropriate spot in my office, and also because I decided as a fully grown adult I should be able to get throughout my day without needing nap-time.
Instead, I took to the internet to source some helpful tips to stop the 3pm brain fog – without resorting to the usual short-lived energy boosting suspects like sugar and caffeine.
Beyond the obvious advice online (what about you try sleeping more?), here are some of the most helpful suggestions I’ve found to fight 3pm sleepiness.
1. Drink water – lots of water.
According to Better Health Channel, fatigue can be created through dehydration.
The obvious answer? Drink more water. I keep a large bottle on my desk that I refill throughout the day, and I often find myself absent-mindedly sipping on it.
As an added bonus, it also means you have to get up and go to the toilet more, which brings me to my next point…
2. Do regular exercise…
Web MD suggests that doing at least 30 minutes of exercise can help you to both fall asleep, and remain alert throughout the day. Plus, we all know the added bonus of exercise being good for your health in general.
3. Or at least, go for a walk.
If you can’t fit in regular exercise, incidental exercise can still help fight fatigue.
NHS suggests that even a 15 minute walk can help wake you up and give you a small energy boost.
If you’re feeling tied to your desk, go to the kitchen and have a glass of water while pacing. Two birds, one stone.
4. Look at what you’re eating.
Web MD says that key tips to fighting fatigue with food include: