Sometimes motherhood can be so overwhelming. Modern motherhood is just so BUSY, and children can be so demanding. One Aussie blogger thinks she’s found the key to being a happy mother and it involves doing something most mums aren’t willing to do.
I’m not going to beat around the bush, I had what I guess you’d call a mini breakdown last week.
Normally I’m quite good at truckin’ along with the daily whirlwind of children dramas, life and work; but one more insane tantrum from my three year-old stacked on top of serious tiredness caused by the 1 year-old not sleeping well the last few weeks, sent me completely into mumma meltdown mode.
I thought we had moved past the worst tantrums with our eldest, but obviously not. Our trip to Bali last year and the Christmas period seemed to bring them all back on again – which I’m convinced is because he’s just plain tired all the time as he now refuses a daytime nap.
It's so distressing when your child is clinging on to the kindy gate, tears streaming and screaming he wants to go home. Without fail I walk away crying myself, questioning whether I should just give up trying to do work and have him back home full-time. It completely drains me and starts my day off with me feeling like the worst mum in the world. It doesn't help also that my youngest is furious he can't go to the same kindy and takes his anger out on me at the same time, pulling my hair and scratching my face while horrified parents and teachers look on.