
Seven secret things you can do in your downtime to advance your career.

Ambitious, career-minded people can be a bit annoying sometimes. You know the type; they somehow seemed to be playing by different rules. They’ve fit about five more years of experience than you into the same amount of time, they schmooze with the right people, and you can almost see them physically climbing the career ladder in front of you, while you’re stuck behind them, your face right in their arse.

If you’re the kind of person who does the grunt work while lunching al-desko, stop. Collaborate and listen. These people know shit that we don’t. And they spend a little bit of time every week, in their downtime, doing things the rest of us don’t.

"Ambitious, career-minded people can be a bit annoying sometimes. You know the type; they somehow seemed to be playing by different rules." Image via iStock.

We’re all stonkingly busy and by the time the weekend comes, it can be pretty tempting to just take off your pants, whip off your bra and relax. But sometimes, “relaxing” turns into aimless nothingness, or dull chore-based routines, until you’re left Sunday night wondering ‘where did that go?’

But if you want to get ahead in your career, there are small things that you can do in your down time.  They’re only small things, but they’re the types of things that these successful people do. So, you should totally copy them.

1. Write a plan.

‘Oh BOOOORING’, you’re saying. Settle down. You won’t get anywhere with that attitude, missy. Yes, it’s the most boring one to start with but it’s the most important. Sometimes, through the drudgery of the day-to-day, we simply forget to put our heads up and think about where we are going.  And if you don’t know where you’re going, you’ll end up going nowhere.

So, take thyself to a coffee shop. Sit there with a piece of paper and some fresh brewed black gold and don’t leave until you have a rough guide of where you want to be. Plot out six months, in a year, and five years. Order a second coffee, and write down the practical steps to put into action to make this shit happen.

Then, look at you. You’re caffeinated up and you have a plan. Go you good thing.

how to advance your career
"You’re caffeinated up and you have a plan. Go you good thing." Image via iStock.

2. Have a coffee with a mentor or colleague.

Not all of these tips involve coffee, m’kay? Just most of them. Arranging a catch up with a work person outside of work can spark a connection on another level. Just be careful about the gossip factor. Bitching is the occupation of idle minds; and people judge you by what you say as much as how you say it; so stick to the positive things.

3. Schedule something life-affirming.

It’s so easy to fall into the trap of couch time, chores, and scrolling Facebook on the weekend. Schedule something that feeds your soul; whether it’s a swim, long walks, taking in some art, finding a beach or a national park somewhere, take long, gulping breaths of fresh air and tell yourself how great you are. These are the moments we can plumb the depths of ourselves; and do the kind of thinking that often we can’t, day to day.

"Take long, gulping breaths of fresh air and tell yourself how great you are." Image via iStock.

4. Study online.

In life you’ve got to keep moving or you’ll grow moss. Studying and learning is the fastest way to progress your career. And these days, online study is the career breakfast of champions.


For anyone who wants to keep working while upskilling, online is where it’s at. Be a bit choosy though; look for a credible organisation that is industry recognised, like Swinburne Online. They have a ton of post-grad, under-grad and TAFE courses that can either act like rocket fuel for your current career, help you re-enter the workforce, or help you change careers altogether.

Online study allows you to chip away at it in your own time, and there’s a tonne of online support for anyone that’s been out of the study game for a while.  And online study doesn’t mean you study alone. They’re big on having interactive online communities which is great in two ways: it helps your learning, and you can forge some solid connections with likeminded people walking your same career path.

5. Listen to an audiobook or careers podcast.

Podcasts and audiobooks are cheat sheets for life: you can be learning while everyone thinks you’re listening to spotify. My favourite careers podcast is The Broad Experience, and Audible have a ton of best selling career books that you can plug away at while you’re gardening, doing your washing or drinking coffee (so much coffee).  Alternatively, everyone’s on a podcast these days – find interviews with your career idol or industry leaders and slavishly listen. Note taking optional.

"Podcasts and audiobooks are cheat sheets for life." Image via iStock.

6. Internet stalk your industry.

Oh, it’s so easy to spend four hours studying living room textiles on Pinterest, but have you ever taken a minute to study your industry? What is everyone else doing? What other jobs are out there? Having a geezer around, LinkedIn may expose you to a bit of wankery but it will also give you a broader idea of what leaders in your industry are doing and saying.

And if you look at them and think “I don’t want to be that kind of nuffy in five years,” maybe it will cement your path (see tip 1!). Or, you might go: “look at this person, I want to be them in five years.” Knowledge is power, and industry knowledge particularly so, because not only does it sound great to drop into conversation while you’re in the work kitchen with your boss, but it can also expose your next career move.


7. Look for part time job-spiration.

I’m a sucker for this. I think a ceramics class sounds interesting so I’ll do it and nek minnit I’m opening an Etsy shop and flogging a market stall. These kinds of second careers and hobbies are fun, if only to make you realize what you REALLY want to do.  Momentum creates more momentum; and sometimes if you don’t know what you want to do with your life, the best thing to do is just ANYTHING. Just keep swimming.

Have we missed anything? How have you or would you advance your career?

Speaking of career, here are some of our favourite, magnanimous career women: