
HOROSCOPES: What the solar eclipse will bring for each sign this week.

Natasha Weber is an astrology genius and has predicted our horoscopes for the week beginning September 29. For more from Natasha, follow her on Instagram and Facebook.

Thursday's solar eclipse reminds you that your relationships mirror your sense of self-worth. The more you invest in your value, the more meaningful your connections will be. Couples, beware of clashing over finances this week — communication is key. Singles, romance might sneak up on you in a calming, creative space, perhaps at a spiritual workshop or art class. Be ready for something deep and soulful.


Mars gives you the confidence boost you need to make sure you're not just in the background this week — you'll be seen and heard. But with all that extra energy, Thursday's eclipse asks: how's your self-care routine? Are you running on empty or skipping out on sleep? It's time to reset your priorities, especially when it comes to your downtime. Your glow-up starts with a good night's rest.

POWER DAY Saturday.

The North Node brings someone into your life who just clicks — instant connection, no explanations needed. Couples will feel the pull to break free from the usual routine. Think a mini-day trip or a fun game night. Mercury suggests downloading that app everyone's talking about or diving into the newest tech toy. The eclipse's advice? Rest fuels productivity. If you're grinding too hard, it's time to shift gears and light up again.

POWER DAY Tuesday.

The eclipse shifts your focus to your family, making you realise they're your go-to battery pack this week. Whether it's catching up with family or just enjoying the familiar, it keeps you grounded. By Friday, don't be surprised if you feel like disappearing for a bit. That alone time will be gold for your mental health, and you might even have a breakthrough while you're at it.

POWER DAY Thursday.

As you browse your usual online spaces this week, keep an eye out — something surprising might pop up that brings clarity or inspiration you didn't even know you needed. The eclipse encourages you to face a conversation you've been dodging, likely with a sibling, and it'll be more productive than you think. Venus gives her blessing for a gorgeous home splurge or a special family treat.


Neptune shows you that vulnerability can actually be a sign of strength and courage. If you're struggling this week, don't go it alone — reach out to someone you trust. Lean into your support system, Virgo. Thursday's eclipse, meanwhile, could surprise you with a new money-making idea or opportunity. It could be something small that grows over time, so stay open and ready to pounce on it when it arrives.

POWER DAY Tuesday.

The eclipse in your sign lights you up from the inside out — this is your cosmic permission to drop the mask and let the real you shine through. Be audacious, be authentic, and watch how people are drawn to your energy. By Friday, the focus shifts to your well-being. Ditch what doesn't feel right and adopt a routine that's tailor-made for you. Your health is about what feels good, not trends.

POWER DAY Thursday.

Singles, prepare to be captivated by someone who doesn't just catch your eye, but challenges your mind. The chemistry's undeniable, and the intrigue? Even stronger. Couples, watch the spending this week — those little splurges add up fast. The eclipse, though, is all about bringing buried revelations to the surface. Whether it's through a vivid dream or inner work, expect clarity on something you've been struggling to pin down.


Venus has you strolling down memory lane, but don't get too cosy with the past; it's tempting, but it won't take you forward. The eclipse, however, is pushing you ahead, breathing new life into a dream, whether it's an old goal you've been sitting on or something fresh that's just clicked into place. Either way, this is your green light. The window of opportunity is open, so take the leap!

POWER DAY Tuesday.

Mercury encourages you to get practical. If you're stuck in a work or relationship dilemma, write out a pros-and-cons list — you'd be surprised how much clarity that simple step can bring. The eclipse is this week's real game-changer, pushing you into new territory. You may be faced with a surprising twist that sends you on a different path. Ready or not, this is the moment to take a calculated risk.

POWER DAY Saturday.

That thing you thought was gone for good? It's not! This week, it could resurface, whether it's finding a lost item or reigniting an old passion. The Moon sends a strong, supportive woman your way, someone whose advice will hit home. Thursday's eclipse sets you up to learn something new. Whether it's a course, an inspiring podcast, or a clever life hack, this discovery is just what you need to level up.

POWER DAY Saturday.

Singles, the Moon's got you feeling all kinds of flirty, cranking up the attraction factor. Feel that chemistry, but don't rush it — let things unfold naturally. Couples, it's time to get spicy and bring that hidden fantasy to life. As for money, the eclipse may close one financial chapter, but it's not all bad news. Another door is ready to open, offering you a chance to cash in elsewhere.


Natasha is the host of Astrology Coach podcast for iHeartRadio and horoscope columnist for Mamamia. She has guest featured on radio and TV shows, Studio 10, Today Extra and Sunrise Morning Show. In 2020, Natasha received the prestigious AAAC award for her contribution to astrological research. She is a member of the American Federation of Astrologers, and her work has appeared in many prestigious publications. Natasha's hot astro tip is to read your horoscope for your Sun and Ascendant signs to get the most accurate prediction. You can find her website here, her Instagram here and her TikTok here.

Feature Image: Mamamia.

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