
HOROSCOPES: It's time to face reality and find deep connections.

Natasha Weber is an astrology genius and has predicted our horoscopes for the week beginning September 29. For more from Natasha, follow her on Instagram and Facebook.

Venus is whispering: the quality of your self-love and self-respect is precisely mirrored in your relationships. The more you own your worth, the richer your connections will be. Come Friday, the new Moon brings a deep pull for emotional intimacy. The superficial fluff only skims the surface of what you're craving. This week, you want that, "I see you, you see me" kind of connection. 


POWER DAY Saturday.

Saturn's serving up some truth about your inner circle this month. Pay attention to those quiet heroes who text, "You okay?" when you've been MIA, or remember your mother's in surgery without checking Instagram. These are your soul anchors — the ones who show up without keeping score or seeking the spotlight. Meanwhile, Friday's new Moon has your trust radar on high alert. But are those red flags real, or is your inner saboteur working overtime?


POWER DAY Thursday.

Remember that door you thought slammed shut? Mercury is hitting the rewind button. That project, relationship, or creative venture that has haunted your "what-ifs" is circling back with deeper potential and better timing. Meanwhile, Jupiter's pushing you past surface-level connections; it's time to voice those big ideas or gracefully exit a stagnant situation. By Friday, the familiar feels suffocating. Let that restlessness guide you toward what sets your soul on fire.


POWER DAY Saturday.

This week, the cosmos proves that even social media has moments of serendipity. You'll find the missing piece to your daily puzzle through an unexpected share, Instagram scroll, or random recommendation. And just when life feels mundane, a whisper of insight arrives through repeating numbers, a persistent melody, or a strange coincidence. See these seemingly random occurrences as your personal oracle.


POWER DAY Saturday.

This week, ditch wishy-washy wishes in favour of a more strategic intention setting. That goal that's been living rent-free in your mind? Start mapping its path into existence. Whether it's a career pivot or relationship upgrade, Neptune's link to Mars backs your boldest moves. Singles, it's time to cut through the mixed signals and get real about where you stand. Partners, join forces; your combined energy is your superpower.


POWER DAY Tuesday.

Watch: Horoscopes working out. Article continues below.

Video via Mamamia.


Your living space calls for attention as the Moon awakens your inner designer. That room that's felt stagnant? Ready for revival through meaningful details that tell your story. A carefully chosen art piece or treasured memento holds transformative power now. As the week unfolds, Mercury clears your throat for conversations that matter; no more dancing around what needs to be said. Your unfiltered voice carries medicine others need to hear.



Your social media presence craves an upgrade that reflects who you've become, not who you were. Favour authenticity over carefully curated perfection. Singles, watch those messages light up but remember, avoid the temptation to overshare. Let them earn your story. Besides, intrigue lives in what's left unsaid. Couples, Wednesday turns even the simplest moments sacred. Those whispered appreciations over dinner? Pure relationship gold.

POWER DAY Wednesday.


The North Node catches you mid-burnout, highlighting a crucial truth: fighting through exhaustion isn't heroic; it's counterproductive. Your body's sending signals — that afternoon slump, those midnight second winds, the constant coffee craving. True power lies in strategic rest, not endless pushing. By Saturday, Mercury illuminates the difference between comfortable and stagnant. That situation you're calling safe? It's slowly draining your spirit. Your potential lies beyond the familiar.



Your star power is peaking! As Venus turns up your magnetic field, people can't help but notice your presence. Rather than random flattery, this is your week to strategically shine. That project or idea you've been nurturing? These new admirers could be your perfect allies. The timing couldn't be better to showcase your vision. Venus adds extra sparkle to your aura, while Saturn keeps it real: your inner beauty matters more than any surface charm.

POWER DAY Saturday.


Your soul whispers for attention as Venus illuminates paths toward inner knowing. Your spirit seeks nourishment, perhaps through ritual work, chakra balancing, or sound bathing. Each practice reveals another layer of knowing. As an added bonus, your intuition grows stronger with every step into these sacred spaces. Meanwhile, Uranus stirs up delicious secrets between couples, while sexual chemistry sizzles for singles with someone who breaks all their usual rules.

POWER DAY Tuesday.


Start your week with a digital detox. Clear your inbox, sort through your files, and reply to those texts or emails you've been dodging. It's amazing how freeing a little digital cleanup can be! Once you're organised, you'll realise how much clearer your mind feels, too. By week's end, it's time to face reality. Stop chasing something (or someone) that isn't clicking. Shift your energy toward what's flowing naturally and stop forcing what's not.

POWER DAY Thursday.


Mars dusts off that creative project you've shelved for too long. Whether it's a labour of love, a masterpiece, or a side gig, this is the week to finish it off beautifully. The Moon's alignment with Saturn uncovers a secret, making a relationship feel stronger and more honest. By week's end, the new Moon fires up your curiosity; sign up for that course or webinar that's been ruminating through your mind.

POWER DAY Saturday.

Natasha is the host of Astrology Coach podcast for iHeartRadio and horoscope columnist for Mamamia. She has guest featured on radio and TV shows, Studio 10, Today Extra and Sunrise Morning Show. In 2020, Natasha received the prestigious AAAC award for her contribution to astrological research. She is a member of the American Federation of Astrologers, and her work has appeared in many prestigious publications. Natasha's hot astro tip is to read your horoscope for your Sun and Ascendant signs to get the most accurate prediction. You can find her website here, her Instagram here and her TikTok here.

Feature Image: Mamamia.