
HOROSCOPES: It's time to be brazen and take opportunities as they come.

Natasha Weber is an astrology genius and has predicted our horoscopes for the week beginning September 29. For more from Natasha, follow her on Instagram and Facebook.

Mercury has you rethinking your closest relationships. Are they filling your cup or leaving it empty? It's time to cut to the chase and figure out who's really in your corner. Stick with people who radiate positivity. This week, someone's being less than honest, and your sixth sense knows it. Don't let it slide — address it head-on. You'll feel lighter for getting the truth out in the open.



When family, home or property plans take a different turn than expected, it might feel like everything's off-track. But the twist brings untapped potential; what seems like a roadblock might just be a stepping stone. This week, you're channelling Uranus' brazen "zero f**ks" attitude, taking risks and going after what you want, minus the care factor. But Mars reminds you to check in with others — don't bulldoze their feelings in the process.



Jupiter's rolling out the red cosmic carpet for you this week. When that golden opportunity pops up, don't overthink it — take it and sprint! Whether it's a life-changing decision or a project close to your heart, luck is on your side. This is your green light to dive in. If you're weighing a big buy, don't rush. Give it a night to marinate; your dreams could bring the clarity you need.



With the Moon entering your sign on Tuesday, your moods might swing like a pendulum. The best way to stay grounded? Head outdoors or busy yourself with practical tasks — it'll help calm the emotional waves. Meanwhile, Mercury assures you that whatever emotional baggage you've been carrying is officially in the past. It's time to stop looking back; there's so much ahead for you.



Your sixth sense is in overdrive right now, so pay attention to those little whispers from the cosmos — they're leading you in the right direction. From Wednesday onward, the Sun's focus is all about home. Whether you're sprucing up your current space or considering a big move, this solar energy motivates you to get things moving and create the environment you've been dreaming of. 


POWER DAY Wednesday.

Feeling like you're falling short? Stop right there. This week is all about flipping the script — ditch the self-criticism and celebrate the steps you have taken, even if they feel minor. Mercury and Saturn are teaming up, encouraging couples to have that heart-to-heart. Singles, an honest chat will bring the clarity you need, cutting through the mixed signals and bringing the transparency you need to move forward.


POWER DAY Tuesday.

Watch: Horoscopes as new mums. Article continues below.

Video via Mamamia.


The art of erotic conversation is where the magic happens. This week, words aren't just words; they're electric sparks igniting sexual chemistry. Release your inhibitions and let your fantasies take flight through playful dialogue. Meanwhile, a friend drops a reality check. Suddenly, your priorities are crystal clear, and those distractions? They're officially in the rearview. Time to focus on what truly matters. 



The Sun enters your sign on Wednesday, marking the start of your birthday season and sparking a fresh chapter. This fresh solar energy is the perfect time to hit reset, reinvent yourself, and chase what really excites you. By Saturday, you'll feel supercharged with focus and motivation, making it a prime day to get stuff done. Just remember to carve out a little downtime; you need the recharge to keep that momentum going.

POWER DAY Wednesday.


Venus works her magic this week, transforming a love or money challenge into an opportunity you didn't expect. What seemed like a setback now opens doors — be ready to walk through them. By the weekend, Mars and Pluto crank up the passion in your erotic zone. Make time for sex, whether you're with a partner or indulging in a little solo pleasure.



Jupiter hypes you up this week, placing a plethora of opportunities and invitations at your feet. There's so much potential in the air, but Saturn's whispering, "make it count". Prioritise what has staying power over fleeting excitement. Long-term rewards beat short-lived thrills. This week, your confidence shapes how others perceive you — so step up, show your true, beautiful self, and watch how people start to take notice.



Thirsty? From Tuesday to Thursday, the Moon in your health zone could indicate a need for increased hydration. It's a good time to up your water intake — pass the glass! Singles, if you've been feeling that electric tension with a friend, things could get steamy. On the financial front, Neptune delivers an opportunity for growth, but don't act too fast; double-check the facts first.



A character trait you inherited from your mother, be it her spot-on sixth sense or stubborn grit, helps you crack the code on a problem. Whether it's a tricky work dilemma or a personal issue, her influence is woven into how you approach and conquer this challenge. When it comes to romance, don't wait to sweep you off your feet. Be the hero in your own love story, and watch your happy ending unfold.


Natasha is the host of Astrology Coach podcast for iHeartRadio and horoscope columnist for Mamamia. She has guest featured on radio and TV shows, Studio 10, Today Extra and Sunrise Morning Show. In 2020, Natasha received the prestigious AAAC award for her contribution to astrological research. She is a member of the American Federation of Astrologers, and her work has appeared in many prestigious publications. Natasha's hot astro tip is to read your horoscope for your Sun and Ascendant signs to get the most accurate prediction. You can find her website here, her Instagram here and her TikTok here.

Feature Image: Mamamia.

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