
HOROSCOPES: How this week's full moon is set to shake up your life.

Natasha Weber is an astrology genius and has predicted our horoscopes for the week beginning September 29. For more from Natasha, follow her on Instagram and Facebook.

Mercury makes conversation your ultimate turn-on. Mental sparks will fly as a meaningful chat (either online or IRL) fans the flames of passion. Thursday's full moon in your sign brings a big win or goal within reach, but you've got to push past any self-doubt. As the weekend approaches, stay alert to any financial warning signs. It's better to catch small issues now before they become bigger problems.


POWER DAY Thursday.

Uranus makes you long for more personal space and freedom, whether that's breaking away from rigid routines or giving yourself some breathing room in relationships. Singles, romance could flourish in the most unremarkable setting, so stay open. And by Friday, Venus whispers a little secret, but don't push for clarity just yet. Give it time, and all will be revealed in due course.


POWER DAY Saturday.

With the full moon hitting on Thursday, your emotions are supercharged. Resist the urge to blurt out your true thoughts; an impulsive reaction might burn a bridge you'll regret. By the weekend, a commitment comes into play, whether it's a professional or financial agreement, signing an official document, or even getting engaged. Expect a sliding doors moment that brings everything together and locks in a future path.



This full moon doesn't do procrastination — it's giving you a lunar push to finally act. Whether it's a big move or a small step, it's time to stop planning and start doing. By Saturday, that personal or family goal you've been working towards is so close you can almost touch it. But don't go it alone; this victory requires collective effort. Teamwork, not solo heroics, will make it a reality. 


POWER DAY Thursday.

This week's about putting your best digital foot forward. Update your profiles, refresh your content, and let yourself shine a bit brighter online. It's your opportunity to stand out. Under the full moon on Thursday, a new talent, skill, or important realisation is revealed. Whether it's something you've overlooked or a hidden strength, this insight will give you the confidence to take things to the next level. 



Mercury swoops in to help you tackle that paperwork mountain or finally sign off on a long-pending contract. Get those details sorted. As the full moon peaks, it whispers a message: trust the process. Even if things feel a little up in the air, know that life's unfolding exactly as it should. Things are aligning behind the scenes in ways you might not see just yet.



Watch: Horoscopes and break-ups. Article continues below.

Video via Mamamia.


This week, call out any emotional manipulation — if someone's playing the guilt card, it's time to set the record straight. By the full moon, your desires come into sharp focus, whether it's about what you truly need or something important your partner hasn't voiced yet. As the weekend rolls in, Uranus challenges you to reflect on an untapped skill or hidden talent that could take you to the next level.



As Mercury enters your sign on Monday, your communication game gets an uptick. This is the time to speak up — whether it's a request, a boundary, or an opportunity, your words hold impact. The full moon brings a wellness check-in, reminding you to pay attention to what your body's been trying to tell you. Be it more rest, better nutrition, or less stress, your body knows the way forward if you're willing to listen.

POWER DAY Tuesday.


Pluto is pushing you to stop settling. You're realising that your time and energy are far too valuable for anything less than what you deserve. You know what you're worth, so stick to that. With Venus sashaying into your sign on Friday, it's glow-up time. Whether it's a style revamp, new skincare or owning a new look, you'll be radiating confidence and unstoppable energy.



Pluto signals the end of a cycle that's run its course. Grieve what's past, but don't linger there — what lies ahead is far more important. This is a turning point, so allow yourself to release and let go as you shed an old layer of yourself. Thursday's full moon stirs a cleaning frenzy; purge anything unnecessary. Clear your space and hold onto only what feels right for your new chapter. 



Pluto's big lesson for you? Mastering the word "no," guilt-free. Saying no isn't selfish; it's self-care, and you're stepping into that power. Besides, setting boundaries gives you the strength to focus on what matters most right now. On Thursday's full moon, be mindful of how you speak. With emotions on edge, tensions are running high. Choosing your words wisely will keep things from spiralling into unnecessary conflict.

POWER DAY Tuesday.


Someone in your networking or social circle offers up an opinion that changes how you see a relationship or something you've been working on. Their objectivity could be exactly what you need to move forward with fresh eyes. By Thursday's full moon, the hard yards you've been investing, whether hitting a financial target or standing firm on your beliefs, will be rewarded. Your tenacity is paying off in ways you can finally see.

POWER DAY Tuesday.

Natasha is the host of Astrology Coach podcast for iHeartRadio and horoscope columnist for Mamamia. She has guest featured on radio and TV shows, Studio 10, Today Extra and Sunrise Morning Show. In 2020, Natasha received the prestigious AAAC award for her contribution to astrological research. She is a member of the American Federation of Astrologers, and her work has appeared in many prestigious publications. Natasha's hot astro tip is to read your horoscope for your Sun and Ascendant signs to get the most accurate prediction. You can find her website here, her Instagram here and her TikTok here.

Feature Image: Mamamia.