
HOROSCOPES: A breakthrough is just around the corner, Taurus.

Natasha Weber is an astrology genius and has predicted our horoscopes for the week beginning April 21. For more from Natasha, follow her on Instagram and Facebook.

With Mercury going direct in your sign this Thursday, frustrations ease up, offering a chance to move forward cautiously. It's like finally finding your way out of a maze — the path ahead may still be uncertain, but at least the fog is lifting. If setbacks have been weighing you down, take heart — what's meant to be will find its way back into your stars.

POWER DAY Thursday.

With one of the most significant astro events happening in your sign on Sunday, a breakthrough could be just around the corner. It's like finally landing that dream job after months of searching or finding the courage to end a toxic relationship and embrace your independence. It's time to shatter the chains of outdated paradigms and patterns and clear the path for your personal revolution. 


Watch: Horoscopes in the bedroom. Story continues after video. 

Wednesday's full moon spotlights your health, signalling that it's time to ease up on the workload. Remember how ignoring your body's signals backfired before? Let's avoid a repeat. Luckily, this moon phase brings valuable insight and moral support through a friend, healthcare professional or family member to help you regain and maintain your wellbeing. Take this chance to fine-tune your habits and steer towards peak condition. 

POWER DAY Thursday.

As Luna peaks in your love zone, it's a prime time for self-love if you're single. Look after your best interests by indulging in your passions and saying "no" to anything that makes you feel less than fantastic. For those in relationships, go on a date night with a twist. Instead of the usual dinner, try a pottery class or dance the night away at a salsa club — anything that shakes you out of the same old romance routine will do the trick. 

POWER DAY Wednesday.

Power struggles in relationships are likely when the Sun and Pluto stir the pot. You could be giving your all to support a partner through a tough time, only to find your own needs sidelined. Or it could be a business partner who wants to take a risky leap you're not on board with. Standing your ground is critical this week, whether with a lover or a rival. Stick to what you know is true in your heart of hearts. 

POWER DAY Wednesday.

Under Wednesday's full moon, your words carry weight and ears are tuned in. Just be cautious with secrets — a slip of the tongue could reveal more than you intend. This is especially true for social media, where a casual comment might expose too much. While openness can bring you closer to others, oversharing may accidentally disclose a confidential detail. As you navigate conversations, choose your words wisely and keep personal information under wraps. 

POWER DAY Thursday.

Under the full moon, your thoughts shift from mere dollars to deeper values. You ponder what truly matters beyond the bank balance. If money worries have clouded your thoughts, this week offers a chance to recalibrate. Focus on people and passions that genuinely enrich your life. Let this lunation inspire a realignment of your priorities, leading to richer, more meaningful relationships and experiences. Rediscover what makes your heart full, not just your wallet. 

POWER DAY is Sunday.

This full moon in your sign marks a milestone; a long-standing aim or goal might finally come to fruition. If you're in the dating scene and have been seeing someone for a while, prepare for a revelation that could be pretty surprising (even shocking) about your new lover. For couples, this full moon prompts a serious talk about taking the next big step together, whether buying a home, starting a family, or planning a relocation. 


Wednesday's full moon marks the completion of one ambitious project and plants the seeds for another. As this dream peaks, your thoughts turn to the next big thing. You'll find your best ideas in peace and quiet — maybe during a peaceful nature walk or a soothing bath. This week, it's in reflection that your future begins to take shape. Sketch out your grand plans for what's coming, and aim high. 


La Luna highlights friendships, revealing a deep secret that may test trust and expose a harsh truth. On a brighter note, it's an excellent time for professional networking, offering valuable connections. This is the moment to leverage your social skills and expand your circle in meaningful ways. Wednesday's lunation inspires fresh hope regarding a heartfelt wish for the future. 

POWER DAY Wednesday.

Jupiter and Uranus' alignment ignites a restlessness that might have you questioning the rules you live by. Does your everyday routine feel more like a trap than a comfort? Now's your chance to change that. It may be time to ask for a more flexible work schedule or limit family obligations. Your moment for freedom is here — step into it with confidence and redefine your life on your terms. 

POWER Day Sunday.

This week's full moon brings a flash of clarity that helps you understand why things unfolded as they did. This insight could be your "aha" moment, guiding you to release resentment — not by forgiving the unforgivable, but by allowing yourself to let go of the past. With this new perspective, you'll feel lighter, ready to move forward without old burdens weighing you down. It's about finding peace within yourself. 


Natasha is the host of Astrology Coach podcast for iHeartRadio and horoscope columnist for Mamamia. She has guest featured on radio and TV shows, Studio 10, Today Extra and Sunrise Morning Show. In 2020, Natasha received the prestigious AAAC award for her contribution to astrological research. She is a member of the American Federation of Astrologers, and her work has appeared in many prestigious publications. Natasha's hot astro tip is to read your horoscope for your Sun and Ascendant signs to get the most accurate prediction. You can find her website here, her Instagram here and her TikTok here.

Feature image: Mamamia.

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