
Woman perfectly responds to booty call date after he leaves her high and dry.

Dating is tedious, and requires tireless commitment. So when a date bails on you after you’ve done extensive pre-sex ‘prep’, it doesn’t feel good.

One woman decided not to stay silent. Her brilliant response to a cancelled booty call has gone viral after it was posted to image-hosting website Imgur by an anonymous user.

If the faces she pulls in each selfie don't speak to your soul, then you've been out of the dating game too long.

"You’re telling me that I shaved, exfoliated and moisturized… for nothing?" she said.

She scrubbed dead skin off her body. She moisturised.

Over 1300 people have commented below the images with messages of solidarity and support.

"The struggle is fucking real like exfoliating takes time and strength if I exfoliate my muscles twitch like crazy for at least two hours," one user said.

"Giiiirrrrrlllll I feel your pain. If you're the 'backup plan' (i.e. he waits to tell you in case his friends bail) then you need outta that," another user offered.

Look, we've all done it... Post continues after video.

One commenter even offered up a reason why they'd end things with the mystery lover.

"I'd break up with anyone that simply responded '?'"

The identity of those involved may remain hidden but can I just say: girl, we've all been there.

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Top Comments

Guest J 8 years ago

I'm feeling old, or maybe young since dating and a booty call are totally different things from what I understand. Maybe it's just me.

the other anon 8 years ago

People are such hypocrites! If this was a man doing this so many women would be jumping up & down at him being a sexist pig, that she doesn't owe him sex or an explanation!