
The mystery that has teens locking themselves in their rooms - for years.

By North Asia correspondent Matthew Carney.

It is one of the biggest social and health problems facing Japan – about 1 million people, mostly men, have locked themselves in their bedrooms and will not come out.

Japanese health professionals are now scrambling to stop the next generation from suffering the same fate.

Not only is the condition shattering families, it is also threatening the country’s economy.

For nearly three years, Yuto Onishi’s world was his small bedroom in Tokyo.

He slept during the day and lived at night, trawling the internet and reading manga – Japanese comics.

Mr Onishi, now 18, refused all contact with friends and family, sneaking out only in the dead of night to eat.

The Japanese call the condition ‘hikikomori’.

“Once you experience it, you lose reality,” Mr Onishi told ABC’s 7.30.

“I knew it was abnormal but I didn’t want to change.

“It felt safe here.”

In junior high school, Mr Onishi failed as a class leader and to cope with the shame and judgment of others, he withdrew.

For Mr Onishi and the estimated million Japanese like him, the pressure from families and society is too much to bear.

Dr Takahiro Kato is one of the few hikikomori experts in Japan.

Dr Takahiro Kato is one of the few hikikomori experts in Japan.

"In Western societies, if one stays indoors, they're told to go outside," Dr Kato said.


"In Japan they're not.

"Our play has changed, it's all on screens and not real-life situations anymore.

"There are cultural reasons also, a strong sense of embarrassment and an emotional dependence on the mother."

The causes and treatment are little understood, but Dr Kato is determined to stop the next generation of Japanese boys locking themselves in.

He is leading a team at Kyushu University to decipher the condition.

Dr Kato said recovery can only be successful if the dynamics of family interactions change, and that means the whole family has to be involved in counselling.

Yuto Onishi spent three years in his bedroom.

The first steps are to rebuild communication and trust.

Yuto has been out of his room for six months now.

The dream of travelling and working overseas forced him out. Early intervention worked.

"Facing your trauma is horrifying, it's hard to do," he said.

"If you can do it with somebody else, then they can show you a different vision of the future."

Yuto is on the road back, but the pressing reality for Japan is that most hikikomori still remain in their rooms.

This post originally appeared on the ABC and was republished here with full permission. 
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