If my doctor's surgery awarded frequent flyer points for every visit, it’s safe to say I’d have racked up a business-class flight to London by now.
While I do love my doctor, the frequency of my appointments is mainly based on a mixture of minor ongoing ailments and the fact that I’m a slight hypochondriac (or substantial hypochondriac if you ask my mum Anne).
My point is, I don’t have an issue going to visit my GP – that is unless the visit has to do with my nether regions.
Watch: Ask Mia Anything | Perimenopause. Story continues below.
It goes without saying I would always book in for my regular pap smears – much as the thought of the squelch of lubricant followed by the insertion of the cold metal speculum while making small talk with the doc isn’t one of my top five fave things, I do understand how important the procedure is.
Oh, and how could I forget ‘tampon-gate’ when I ended up doubling up by accident and needed assistance locating the original tampon? This happened not once but twice… not my finest moments.
Generally, any front- or back-bottom medical concerns I have see me hitting Dr Google, rather than clocking up more points on my imaginary medical frequent flyer card and speaking to a proper practitioner.
And so, when my periods went from fairly heavy to haemorrhaging – from regular as clockwork and short in length to sporadic and lasting up to 10 days – I hit the keyboard. And as I was edging toward my late 40s, I also mentioned it to older friends: Was this the start of the menopause journey?