
"Holy f**king s**t." The world reacts to Prince Harry and Meghan Markle's tell-all interview.

If you have been anywhere near the internet today, it's likely that you would have either seen snippets or watched the entirety of the explosive Oprah interview with Prince Harry and Meghan Markle.

And we KNOW you definitely have feelings about it.

Watch the moment Prince Harry spoke openly about Meghan Markle's mental health during the birth of their son, Archie. Post continues after video.

We thought it would be good to group all of our feelings together in the form of tweets, so we can capture this hectic moment in history and cry/smile/throw things at the screen in unison.

So, here is how the world reacted to the tell-all Prince Harry and Meghan Markle Oprah interview - in 280 characters at a time. 

When the royal family allegedly feared Archie would be "too dark".

A shocking moment in the interview was when Harry and Meghan shared there were concerns from the royal family about the colour of Archie's skin. 

But it seems the racism stretched well beyond just their son, and Meghan was allegedly dealing with racism regularly.

When Meghan admitted she reached a "breaking point".

A theme throughout the interview was definitely the turmoil Meghan Markle was subjected to when she 'joined' the royal family. While we were aware before this conversation that she had it tough, the Duchess said she was pushed to "breaking point" and that suicidal thoughts were keeping her awake at night. 

When Meghan and Harry shared they're expecting a baby girl.

When Prince Charles stopped taking Prince Harry's calls.

Prince Harry reflected on his damaged relationship with his father, Prince Charles. 

When Harry said they're living off Princess Diana's inheritance. 

We found out during the interview that Princess Diana had saved some money for Prince Harry and it was this inheritance that meant Harry and Meghan were able to flee the royal family and start their new life. 

When Archie told his parents to "drive safe".

Twitter is convinced that Archie somehow knows about how his grandmother died and tries to protect his parents with this piece of advice.

The comparisons made between Meghan and Princess Diana.

Since going official with Prince Harry, many comparisons have been made between Meghan and her mother-in-law. Both are seen as rule-breaking, brilliant and independent women who cause change and make a lasting impact. 

It seems this interview has perpetuated this narrative even further.

There was also a lot of talk around Prince Harry following in his mother's footsteps. 

What's next for Harry and Meghan...

After laying it all out on the table, there's definitely concern about how the palace and the press will handle this interview, with many theorising they will be vilifying Meghan once again.

Here's hoping that's not the case and the couple can crack on with their non-royal life in peace.

If you think you may be experiencing depression or another mental health problem, please contact your general practitioner. If you're based in Australia, 24-hour support is available through Lifeline on 13 11 14 or beyondblue on 1300 22 4636.

Feature Image: Mamamia. 

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Top Comments

gu3st 3 years ago 4 upvotes
Meghan and Harry went full Cortes, in that you sink your boats upon arrival in the New World.

IMO, you never go full Cortes on family.

Oprah was both artful and a little mercenary in having a solo interview with Meghan prior to their joint appearance. I'm wondering if Harry would have wanted all the things said, that were said, as some of them were pretty bareknuckled.

I think the savage escalation is partially due to the fact that all the antagonists are very used to getting their own way, so the vindiction is dialled up to 11.

Can't help but think that this will cause Harry a lot of unhappiness down the track, with risk of resentment eventually shifting towards Meghan and their marriage. 
dudus temere gravis 3 years ago 2 upvotes
@gu3st LOL That is so accurate, I love it.

Never go full Cortes - as they say in the classics.
gu3st 3 years ago 2 upvotes
@dudus temere gravis Yeah, was thinking about burning bridges, then the simile sprang to mind.

mamamia-user-105701183 3 years ago 3 upvotes
Whilst the pain and emotion was genuine and quite powerful to watch, remember we have only heard one side of the story. There is always two sides and it is quite likely that we will never hear the other and certainly not in the form of a tell all interview. Misunderstandings and misrepresentations do occur. Is it possible, for example, that the ‘senior royal’ made a comment a long the lines ‘oh wonder who baby will take over - will he have your colouring Meghan or be fair like Harry’. Obviously I wouldn’t have a clue but do know that sometimes even the most innocent of comments can be misconstrued if the person is feeling particularly vulnerable. Maybe it was more a case of foot n mouth - insensitive, inappropriate but not actually racist. Again whatever occurred I think it’s important to remember that we only have heard from Meghan and Harry - certainly speaking ‘their truth’ but perhaps not the objective truth. 

dp 3 years ago 3 upvotes
@mamamia-user-105701183 this common sense response seems to be lost sadly.
We will never know what really happened behind those closed doors, so there’s no point speculating. 
I really do wonder why they did this though - what did they want to achieve? And while the claims of refusing help when feeling suicidal and racists comments are terrible, they’ve revealed together with a lot of petty, at times unbelievable, and at other times downright incorrect claims. It’s hard to know what to believe. 
<deleted> 3 years ago
cat 3 years ago 8 upvotes
@mamamia-user-105701183 when a person of colour tells you they’ve experienced racism, it’s never okay to say ‘maybe you just misunderstood’. Meghan knows more about racism than anyone white (myself included) ever could. 

And Harry is telling us his family were making racist remarks- he has known them his entire life, I think his judgement on whether they meant it or not is pretty reliable. Way more reliable than the online commenters who have never spoken with any of them. 

It’s really not necessary to undercut Meghan to try to defend a family who have a pretty sketchy background and where at least one member is famous for his racist remarks. 
salemsaberhagen 3 years ago 10 upvotes
@mamamia-user-105701183 If you had seen the interview you'd know Harry said it was in the context of a 'sit down discussion'.  That sounds far more formal than what you are suggesting.  I find it really bizarre that people are suggesting Harry doesn't know his own family and are desperate to try to make it seem no big deal.

I think Harry would know what context it was in, after all the discussion was with him.

What is with the minimisation of racism and the attempt to invalidate it?

Do you really think Harry doesn't know the context?  I'm, seriously....

Why are people doing this?