
'It's cake night baby!' Hamish Blake has unveiled his daughter's 7th birthday cake creation.

The biannual spectacle of paternal dedication and confectionery chaos has arrived once again as Hamish Blake embarked on his legendary cake-making marathon for his daughter Rudy's seventh birthday.

On Friday night (and the early hours of Saturday morning) Hamish went on Instagram with the battle cry of a sugar-coated gladiator: "Uh oh, it's cake night baby!!" 

"In accordance with family legend, tonight I must create whatever birthday cake my wonderful seven-year-old daughter desires. The brief? 'The cats, just their heads, made of cake, on a spinning cake, and it really looks like them, perfectly, with their heads in a big floating love heart, oh and candy. Lots of candy,'" he explained of this year's brief.

"She's a tough client but I love her so I'll have a solid crack."

Watch: Hamish Blake reveals daughter's latest birthday cake request. Story continues below.

Hamish explained that he hoped to be done by 4:30am "so we can roll straight into the Opening Ceremony". Because what better way to finish cake night than with the Paris Olympic Games.

Hamish Blake's cake journey.

As the clock struck 8:30pm, Hamish donned his custom 'Team Blake' tracksuit, a uniform befitting an athlete of the baking arts. 

With a swig of liquid courage (aka whiskey) and his trusty sidekick "Assistant Chef Magic Mike" at his side, he declared the commencement of his own personal Olympic Opening Ceremony.

The feline muses for the evening were introduced: Potato and his fluffier brother Jimothy. These cat-lebrities were ready for their sugary spotlight.

"The first cat is Potato. He is a short-haired Persian. Cute as a button, slightly wonky eyes... let's meet cat number two. It's Jimothy. He's a little fluffier," Hamish explained. "He's very excited to become a cake. Just see him run enough to call his agent. He loves the limelight."

Cutest cats ever. Image: Instagram.

With that introduction, Hamish began his late-night baking adventure.

The first task was the chocolate love heart mould, intended to support the cake structure. Hamish poured the chocolate, adding a creative touch by embedding sprinkles and jelly beans for a colourful inlay effect. 

"Just gone rogue here. No one's asked for this. No one even knows if they want this. But I think this could work," he commented.

However, as Hamish closed the fridge door, disaster struck. 

"When I closed the fridge door, this pushed the support all the way through. You're not the only one with a broken heart. What's happening?"

Undeterred, Hamish channelled his inner orthopedic surgeon, vowing to "reset this bit like a broken leg".

The witching hour saw our hero diving into "cat math," armed with a ruler and determination. "Each eye is 20 per cent of the width of his head," he muttered, measuring with the precision of a master jeweller crafting a crown.

Carefully curated cats were the brief. Image: Instagram.

The night wore on, and Hamish felt the pressure: "Coming up to 11.30 we are beginning on cat number one. Followers, ahead could be slipping behind familiar feeling, but with assistant chef Magic Mike here, just gotta get the cat details happening."

With help from his friend Magic Mike, who helpfully provided the vermicelli noodles to replicate the cats' whiskers, Hamish powered through the night, determined to finish in time for Rudy's birthday and the Olympic opening ceremony.

Slowly but surely, a masterpiece was born. Image: Instagram.

"The repaired heart is freezing. It's gonna need half an hour. The Opening Ceremony is not on for another half an hour. We've got the cats done. Everything's done. The vermicelli is on. What do we do for half an hour?" he said.

As dawn approached, Hamish completed the cake just in time to catch the Opening Ceremony. Despite the challenges and the inevitable setbacks, Hamish's dedication and love for his daughter shone through.

"Wonderful Olympics and a wonderful birthday to my daughter."

Through whiskey sips and fondant flips, Hamish Blake had once again transformed a night of chaos into a masterpiece of paternal love, proving that in the Blake household, every birthday is an Olympic-level event.

Now that's a showstopper. Image: Instagram.

Want to look back on Hamish Blake's previous cake creations? Read below:

Feature Image: Instagram @hamishblakeshotz/.

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