We know a child’s brain is an amazing thing. You only have to look at how quickly they have embraced the ‘i’ age and even at the age of two are playing games on and operating ipads and iphones; sometimes even better than their parents.
A child’s brain develops most rapidly between birth and five years old – in science terms more than 700 new brain connections are made every second. The connections are what builds the structure of the brain and lay the foundation for all later learning, behaviour and wellbeing for a child.
The most important influence on a child’s brain development is where and how they spend their early years. Positive stimulating and nurturing environments help them to thrive and grow and learn; alternately negative environments can have a significant adverse impact on their cognitive, emotional and behavioural development.
This is why choosing a quality child care centre is so important. What happens in their early years will impact them for the rest of their life so it’s critical to ensure they are being exposed to the best possible early learning and care environment.
The experts have led the way in showing us what quality child care looks like with the introduction of the National Quality Standards; which highlight highly-skilled staff and more staff to less children as being critical.
So how can you tell which centre is the right one? How do you know if they are going to provide the best possible place for your child? The best way to know if a centre is right for you is to go down and have a look. Talk to the staff, watch them engage with the children and just by being there you will start to get a feel for the place.
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I use Spot A Childcare as it provides quality ratings, parents ratings and real time vacancy information.
It is very difficult to choose best child care center for child. There are lots of criteria that should meet. Children are very sensitive and you must check child care policies, their working environment, day to day activities, comfortableness , experience faculties. Thanks for sharing.