When I had my baby girl nine weeks ago I was surrounded by family.
My husband was there. And so were my mum and dad.
We all sat in comfort, with our choice of music playing, a television at the ready.
I enjoyed a coffee and a laugh between contractions as I moved from chair to bed to bouncy ball.
I had a beautiful midwife who made every attempt to ensure my labour was as relaxed and natural as possible.
Third time around, I was fortunate enough to have a smooth labour and healthy delivery, and that meant my birth experience was serene and beautiful (well, as much as it can be when one considers the pain of childbirth!), and exactly how I’d hoped it would be.
But I wasn’t at home.
Nor was I in a birthing centre.
I was in hospital.
Had I required an emergency cesarean, I could have had one immediately.
Had my baby become distressed, help would have been at hand.
If things got ugly or my capacity for pain simply wavered, an epidural wouldn’t have been far away.
Yet my birth didn’t feel clinical. Or sterile. I wasn’t being invaded or poked unnecessarily.
There was no evil doctor ramming epidurals or c-sections or episiotomies down my throat.
Because this time I didn’t need them. Had I needed one or more of those things (as I have in the past), I’d have had immediate access to them.
Top Comments
No-one assumes that type of birth is unpleasant. Unfortunately most births in hospital aren't like that, though. I was lucky like you, and had 4 great births in a hospital. One of them though, I had to fight for, it wasn't as easy as 'electing' to have this and that, more 'agreeing to' or 'declining' (in my case declining early induction because it was 'procedure' for twins, and agreeing to be induced on my due date basically to keep everyone happy. Declining the epidural which hospital protocol said was necessary etcetera). My other birth was the best, and was in a birth centre- where I also had complete peace of mind I was close to help if it was needed, and was 'allowed' a water birth and was not pressured into agreeing to anything I was not comfortable with.
That's great. Good for you. I also had 2 good births, both Ccestions in public hospitals. Bully for me too. But I am tired of women being aggressive or smug about their birthing. Just go away and birth already. Don't be smug. I'm very careful talking about birthing as well as it;s a very sensitive topic and many many mothers feel failures, myself included, or were abused or not given pain relief by staff, myself included. I completely empathise with women who are terrified of staff and hospitals. Just be careful - talking about birth is the same as talking about death. Tread carefully.