
The Gold Coast teen who cried for help but no one came.


Police have now charged a 23-year-old Bundall man with the murder of Michael Brack.

He will appear in the Southport Magistrates Court on Tuesday November 17.

Previously, Mamamia wrote:

Michael Brack was just 16 years old.

The 16-year-old Gold Coast boy was stabbed late on Saturday night and left for dead in a suburban street.

Brack was found bleeding on the doorstep of a house on Allawah Street in Bundall after 10 pm on Saturday.

Paramedics were unable to revive him, police said.

He has been described by friends as kind, smart and generous, as online tributes pour in on his Facebook page, now an open memorial.

The Courier Mail reported that Brack tried to get help from a number of houses on the street before he collapsed outside number 19.

“We heard a big bang and came out and he was lying there convulsing,” a young man at the house told The Courier Mail.

“I’m a lifesaver and instincts just kicked in but there was nothing we could do for him. It’s just tragic, man – he was only 16.”

The Gold Coast Bulletin reported that residents of the street say a nearby park is a known drug spot, and they don’t open their doors after dark.

“I heard someone going ‘help me, help me’,” the woman told the Bulletin. “There is a lot of drug dealing in the park’s public toilet down the road.

“You just wouldn’t know, there are a lot of dodgy characters.”

Brack’s Facebook friends have been posting messages filled with grief over a life cut short.

“You can’t be just gone like that Michael, you don’t know how much I still need you here with me,” Courtney Murray wrote.

“For a kid as young as you, with so much to look forward too and achieve. It honestly makes me feel just so sick that no one will be able to enjoy your presence again because of one selfish and heartless person… Rest easy Michael,” Kai Foots wrote.

Another friend posted about the final moments of Brack’s life.

“What rips me into pieces the most is hearing that he went door to door asking for help before he collapsed and layed there breathless in a pool of his own blood not knowing at any moment his life would be gone. Breaks me into bits putting my self in your place. I hope your [sic] in a better and safer place brother, gone way to soon,” Memoe Jarallah wrote.

Police said they believed Brack’s attacker was known to him and are asking that anyone with any information please call Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000.

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Top Comments

Luc 9 years ago

What a sad story.

I can speak from experience on this one. We live in a very quiet neighbourhood. Recently I heard my dog barking out the front at about 2am and got up to yell at her (thought it was a possum!) But it was a woman draped in a blanket, clearly unwell and I thought probably on drugs. She asked for help, and said she had been beaten up.

I immediately rang the ambulance. My husband when down to sit with her. I was pretty worried in case he was knifed (she was pretty strung out), or in case her attackers came back. I stayed on the phone to the emergency, who sent both ambulance and police, though they took a while to come.

Hubby said he tried to keep out of arms reach, but had to keep prodding her a bit to keep her awake, as she was slipping in and out of consciousness. We were a bit tense while this was happening. If I had been alone with the kids, I don't know if I would have gone and sat down with her on the kerb, I think I would have been too scared, and also worried about the kids if someone got into the house. But really, is it so hard to call the police???

Thank goodness the ambulance and police arrived, and the woman was taken to hospital for treatment. But there was no way I could just have gone to bed and left her out there.

Elle 9 years ago

I just don't understand why someone could have at least looked out the window ( if they were to scared to open their door) and called the ambulance and the police.
This is just so sad and so tragic.