There are two things that a really excellent tube of lipstick has in common with a really excellent friendship.
- If it’s the right shade, it can provide the illusion of invincibility.
- Without the right attention, you’re bound to lose it.
Think about it. We all have (or had) a girlfriend that could easily become prey to the state of forgetfulness – abandoned on the sink of a restaurant bathroom, consigned to oblivion in the back of an Uber. Like the hardening of skin on the heels of your feet, it’s just another one of those terrible side effects of being an adult that nobody ever warns you about.
Despite more ways of getting in touch with each other than we each have underwear, life inevitably worms its way into our relationships. It allows conflicting schedules to push and forces changing priorities to pull until we’re faced with a great canyon of space between us.
And when you finally have the opportunity to mend those widening cracks, you kind of…collapse. Collapse into a great mess of emotion – happy, sad, curious, ecstatic, fearful.
That’s why I look forward to girl time.