I have always been interested in ghost stories, spooky myths and weird coincidences, but as a non-religious sceptic, you could say I am more 'para-curious' than a full-on believer.
But this sceptical curiosity was enough to send me, a friend and three paranormal experts to Maitland Gaol on a freezing Sunday for an adventure in ghost hunting.
Maitland Gaol was built in 1848 and closed in 1998 because of a combination of security issues and unsuitable conditions in the oldest part of the building (the cells are unimaginably tiny).
Since the last inmate left 25 years ago, the gaol has had a variety of uses.
It is a regular location for TV and film shoots, an unusual venue for private events and it hosts a company that runs laser tag parties at weekends. During daylight hours, tourists visit for guided tours and on certain nights of the month, the ghost hunters arrive.
And tonight that's me.
I park outside the entrance alongside the imposing locked gates on an otherwise dark and deserted street. Through the bars, I can see a mix of sturdy sandstone buildings, protected by sky-high walls and guard towers topped with razor wire.
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