Content warning: The following post mentions domestic violence and may be distressing to some readers.
It was almost two years after I received the first email from my stalker that I saw him in the flesh. He was a complete stranger - is still a stranger - and the escalation after so long was alarming, but not all that surprising. I'd been on edge for the past two years and had been anticipating, albeit dreading, the intrusion into my real life, and when it arrived, a part of me was secretly pleased that this might be the moment the police finally took my concerns seriously.
Every month, the university I work at holds a literary salon at the student bar on campus, open to, but rarely attended, by the public. The guest reader that month was Trent Dalton and on arrival, even through the larger-than-usual crowd, I recognised the face I'd only seen via my computer screen from the bizarre photos he'd sent me over the years - him grasping a flower, holding up a copy of my first book, a Valentine's Day card, a box of Cadbury's Roses.
Even now, it astonishes me that he had the gall to email the next day to let me know it had been nice to see me, that he noticed the way I was looking at him, did I want to get a coffee sometime? He didn't mention being escorted out of the building by security, the three guards that stood between us as he warned me this is just the beginning, it's only going to get worse from here. He didn't mention the fact that I was crying. He didn't mention that a few weeks earlier, he'd threatened to rape me, if he went to jail because of it, it would be my fault.
The emails and Facebook messages were inconsistent - I experienced months of reprieve that sparked false hope he had forgotten about me - and wildly erratic in tone. I could never predict if he would be expressing his profound love for me, or chastising me for being a wicked woman, heartless and evil to have caused him this much pain. When I first contacted the police, they suggested I simply block him - advice I found to be baffling and somewhat dangerous. If this stranger who has been relentlessly harassing and threatening me for months, whose issues I do not know the depths of, informs me he's found out where I live, I think I'd like to know about it.
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