
Over 200 new emojis are being released next month. (And here's a sneak peek).


According to multiple reports today, over 250 new emojis will be released this July and they include some much needed necessities for your smartphone.

While images are not available for them just yet, the list has been put up, and there are some we’re really excited about. Here’s our top ten picks:


1. The Middle Finger emoji:

The politest way to say ‘F*** you.’

2. The Fork and Knife With Plate emoji:

A helpful way of texting your partner and warning them dinner should be on the table when you get home.

3. Thermometer emoji:

The easiest way to let work know when you’re sick without having to waste too much precious energy.

4. Weight lifter emoji:

To show your friends how dedicated you are to your gym-going. Even if you’re sitting on the lounge eating Pods. They’ll never need to know.

5. Spider emoji :

A helpful way to let your housemate/partner know there’s a spider in the house and it needs to be dealt with.

6. Dark sunglasses emoji :

Warns your friend you’re approaching your brunch date potentially hungover.

7. Old Personal Computer emoji:

To educate kids on the fact there was another device before laptops were invented.

8. Anger bubble emoji:

If you’re the kind of person who doesn’t like to talk when you’re mad, this is all you’ll need from now on.

9. Shopping bag emoji:

Saves you valuable seconds. Instead of texting your friend and seeing if they want to go shopping, you can just send them the emoji. Time saved? At least 3 seconds.

10. Speaking Head In Silhouette emoji:

Not entirely sure of the purpose, but I’m sure it’ll be useful….at some stage.

The new emojis will be part of Unicode 7.0 standard. In order to see the new set, your device will have to operate with software that supports Unicode 7.0.

You can see the full list of new emojis by clicking here. 

What emoji would you like to see on the list? 

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Top Comments

Nat 10 years ago

I have an android - so no emoji fun for me apparently.

NewMamma 10 years ago

Am I the only one who doesn't know how to get these little pics in text messages or on FB status updates? I see them all the time but have no idea how to get them on my own messages.
Or did I just out myself as completely hopeless and old?

JanieBabes 10 years ago

Nup I don't know how to get/use them either.....

Zepgirl 10 years ago

Nope, I don't know. Do what I do and pretend that you don't care and that if you need emojis that you just can't write properly, while simultaneously wishing that someone would just sit down with you and tell you so that you no longer feel hopeless and old. Best of both worlds!

kateaswell 10 years ago

Totally not the only one. Me too until 30 seconds ago but your comment prompted me to finally make the leap. I've put in a link to a how-to I googled, hope it works ...

GuestT 10 years ago

It's a free app called Emoji, get it off the AppStore. Easy peasy and amusing