By: Casey Mullins for
I will never be the woman who asks you about children. I will never ask you if you want them. I will never ask you if you’re trying to have them. I will never tell you that you should have them, and I promise I will never, ever tell you how many rich and beautiful blessings you are missing out on by not having children. Because have you met a child? They’re giant sticky time-sucks. I love my two little girls a whole lot, but there is a reason I only had two. And there IS a reason they are almost seven years apart.
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I had a friend who had 3 grandchildren who disrespected her when she looked after them. They answered back, ignored her and refused to listen to snything she said. When she advised her son that she struggled looking after them because of their attitudes the son said she had to earn the children's respect . No wonder there are so many badly behaved children around. Parents never reprimand th. They rule.
So glad I am happy with having kids. They are awesome. I realise some people have kids that are spoilt rotten, have been placed in day care from day dot so they crave attention from their parents , and kids who are just downright undisciplined . These kids are the ones that drive other people crazy . They are rude, abnoxious and downright annoying to be around. Sometimes we have to look at the parents and we then understand why the kids are like they are.