
Fully Sick Rapper: A day in the life

Fully sick in isolation

Remember a while ago I told you I was going to interview Christiaan Van Vuuren aka the Fully Sick Rapper who had been in an isolation ward in hospital for the past 6 months? Well, I was good to my word. I did interview him over Skype and then technology bit me in the arse and it didn’t work. And you know what happened then? HE GOT BETTER AND WAS RELEASED FROM HOSPITAL. I know. Selfish.

So Christiaan and I have made a tentative date to get together in person and recreate our interview but until that time, I wanted to share this with you. Over the six months he spent in hospital, The Fully Sick rapper posted about 12 videos that racked up around 1.5million views on YouTube alone. But this video is very different to those (which you can see here and here).

It’s a video Christiaan made about what his life was like in hospital. Not the funny, slap-stick rap songs he created so brilliantly but the actual daily grind. Christiaan writes….

Life in a Day is a unique collaboration between YouTube, Hollywood (director Kevin Macdonald, producer Ridley Scott) and the YouTube community, to create a documentary that will capture one day in the life of thousands around the world – July 24, 2010.

After being asked to help out, I have submitted a video to help promote the launch of this global collaboration, by capturing one day in my own life, and showing YouTube users an example of the kind of thing that they might like to submit.

I suppose my experience as a YouTube user is a unique one, so I tried to capture that with this particular video. For the first six months of this year, I have been living within an isolated negative pressure room in a Sydney Hospital, and have been using social media to stay connected to the world. A large part of this has been through YouTube, as The Fully Sick Rapper.

This started as a way to give a few mates a laugh, and keep myself busy, but it fast became a way for me to keep myself distracted from the health issues I have been facing, share my experience with the world, bounce positive energy off people going through similar circumstances, and escape the four walls of my quarantined room.
