Yes, yes, I know the first rule of Fight Club is to categorically deny its existence.
Oh wait, that’s not the line.
“The first rule of Fight Club is that there is no Fight Club.”
That’s better.
Anyway, even though I’m technically not allowed to talk about Fight Club, I do want to tell you about the Friday night Fight Club, which I attend with my 11-year-old son each week.
Because, as a mother, it’s one of my finer parenting moments.
My main motto in life is ‘we’re here for a good time, not a long time’ – and that’s one of the reasons why we love FNFC so much. But our fight club is unlike anything you saw in the 1999 Fight Club movie. For one thing, there’s (sadly) no shirtless Brad Pitt.
In fact, at our FNFC, there’s only two people: me and my son. That’s right, on Friday nights my kid and I fight each other. And it’s one of the best parts of our week.
Let me explain. It began about six month ago, when my son turned 11, and started laying down some rules about his personal space – ones I had to respect. I apparently was no longer allowed to randomly kiss and hug him. And if there is affection, he’s the only one allowed to initiate it. (No one warns you that one day you’ll suddenly be cut off from this.)
Then I had a genius idea. We’d always loved to play-fight, so I realised I could turn that into something much more grown-up sounding: Fight Club.
And my kid totally fell for it.
It was a new way for me to physically engage with a child who would, within a matter of months, grow to become my height. (By this Christmas, he will in fact me taller than me.)