Normally, I am captaining and steering the ‘parents have a voice’ bandwagon but this week I jumped off before the next stop.
This week in the news, there was outrage.
Headlines like:
“Four-year-olds getting homework.”
“Kids as young as four FORCED to do homework.”
“Preschool pushing homework on toddlers.”
Cranky parents, cranky parents everywhere.
Normally, I am the parent that captains and steers the ‘parents have a voice’ bandwagon.
Except this time I jumped off the wagon before we hit the next stop at ‘parents have officially gone insane' town.
Why, you ask?
So to the parents going insane over four-year-olds getting homework let me explain a couple of things:
Both my boys have been given homework from preschool.
My son's preschool is not forcing him to be the next Albert Einstein (although, if they were, I really don’t see the problem with it…).
The homework is a sheet from an age appropriate work book, it is not an essay question from the Year 12 exams 18-year-olds are currently sitting.
No, parents, preschools aren’t making our four-year-olds read Shakespeare (but, again, I don’t have a problem if they were. Becoming familiar with his language has to be better than using terms like YOLO and ‘devo’.). They are simply reinforcing positive learning in an at-home environment.