
Fights, tantrums and apologies over second-hand baby clothes.

The founder of a high-end baby wear chain in UK has hit out at a group of mums selling the brand’s second-hand clothes online.

JoJo Maman Bebe founder, Laura Tenison, slammed the group for selling pieces at cost.

“Why anyone would pay near to full price or full price sometimes plus postage for something second-hand is crazy,” she said in a post that has since been deleted on Facebook.

“We don’t charge postage so you could get a new one for less!”

The posh brand (equivalent to something like Seed in Australia) is hugely popular among UK mums and has appeared in royal baby wardrobes.

When Prince George’s first birthday images were released he was wearing a pair of Jojo Maman Bebe overalls.

Image via Facebook. 

Tenison has since apologised to the buy-and-sell group blaming late-night posting after watching Trainspotting 2.

"I’m human and I made a mistake," she said.

The hand-me-downs you must give back

So, what is the etiquette of second-hand baby clothes?

Arguably, every middle-class suburban mother gets given clothes when they have baby. Shiny new clothes and hand-me-downs.

When I gave birth in the UK, I was gifted with adorable onesies and purchased overpriced designer muslin wraps.

I had so many newborn clothes my son didn't wear them all.

People told me: "Wear the good stuff - they grow out of it so quickly."

We did. We wore the good stuff. I bid on "designer" second-hand baby clothes bundles on eBay and my son often wore the high-end brands I would have loved to be able to afford to wear.

A friend gave me two oversized plastic bags full of baby clothes - only to ask for them back a year later because she was pregnant again.

I was glad I had all of them as my son had grown out of them by then. I didn't see that coming, but I get it.

My heart almost broke as I gave away bags of designer and cheap baby gear that I still remember my newborn son wearing in his first weeks.

But I was elated when I was sent a pic with my friend's daughter wearing the pieces that had truly been pre-loved so much.

Listen: It takes a village, right? (post continues after podcast).

My son, Charlie, is now two years old and a good friend supplies bags of hand-me-downs from her four-year-old every few months - almost at the exact time he needs new ones.

Jess, my most ethical friend from country Victoria, has supplied my son with almost all his winter wear. I send her pics of Charlie wearing the clothes with thanks. That's the right thing to do.

The empty offers

Back when I was pregnant, my physiotherapist said he'd give me some baby clothes and a few other empty acquaintance offers like that happened.

"What are you having? I've got so many baby clothes still at home - I'll give you some."

But the clothes never came - and I get that too. I hardly knew the people offering them and I still can not part with the first outfits my son wore.

Clothes are so personal and we all have different tastes. You might not like all the clothes you get. But don't ever say that. Ever. Be grateful - even for the cheap stuff.

I gave away Primark (a very cheap fashion chain in the UK), and I even gave away clothes I got from Morrisons (the equivalent to Aldi).

I worried that there was a rule against gifting cheap supermarket clothes - but the fox jumper was just too cute to rot in my cupboard.

No stains

You can't give away poo-stained clothes. You just can't. You can't give back poo stained clothes either and that might happen if clothes are on loan. Find out if the clothes you get are on loan - I've learned that.

Hand-me-downs and designer eBay bundles are a pure joy.

My little boy is gorgeous in just about anything but if I could get him the same pair of overalls that Prince George wore, at cost - I would.

What a shame Tenison didn't realise what a compliment it is to prize special pre-loved clothes.

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Top Comments

Caroline 8 years ago

There's this thing called ''reusing'', and ''recycling'' that's meant to be really good for the environment! I understand the owner's annoyance at people using company pictures and info, but really, the idea that ''get it cheaper new'' is even a thing is crazy.

Ally 8 years ago

I suppose she figures that if people are prepared to pay the full price, they should be buying new ones from her instead of ones that she isn't getting a cut out of. Seems pretty mad to me to be paying full price for used clothes, especially baby clothes. The baby doesn't care what it's wearing.

There seem to be two types of second hand clothes givers - those that recognise the expense of the clothes and give their favourites to close friends who can also enjoy them, and those that can't be bothered binning stuff or giving to charity.