
Everything you've ever wanted to know about feather touch brow tattooing.


Eyebrow tattooing has been around for a while, but it’s undergone a serious makeover of late.

Gone are the giveaway block-y style tattoos of your beauty nightmares, replaced by Feather Touch or ‘microblading’. It looks much more natural and if you’re like me, it feels like everyone and their cousin is getting it done.

So what’s it all about? How long does it last? And most importantly, how much does it hurt? We asked ‘Arch Angel to the Stars’ Amy Jean of Amy Jean Eye Couture, who pioneered the treatment in Australia several years ago, everything you’ve ever wondered about the latest face tattoo-ing trend.

What actually is Feather Touch?

“Brow feathering can be done using a hand tool (micro-blading) or machine technique. The process involves micro-pigmenting fine strokes that mimic hair into the outer layers of the skin.

The results are very natural and can go undetected.”

How many sessions does it take to complete?

“The first session can take anywhere from one and a half to two hours including anesthetic processing and design time. The artist will always work conservatively during the initial application to gauge how well the skin absorbs the pigment in preparation for the second application.

Feather touch tattoo is semi permanent unlike the “block tattooing” of yesteryear. It is an extremely topical procedure done in the outer layers of the skin. Depending on the skin chemistry, exposure to active ingredients or the elements in general, your original colour will gradually begin to fade out.

A retouch is required four to six weeks after the first treatment and takes approximately one to one and half hours. The procedure stays nine months to two years depending on the skin type and exposure to the elements.

The feather touch tattoo is more of a natural approach to cosmetic tattooing so we find that a client may still need to wear makeup through the brows.”

Is it painful?

“No. Clients have commented that you can feel the pressure of the application and light etching noises, however we use a strong topical anesthetic that keeps the area numb throughout the process.”

What is the recovery time like?

“After the feather touch tattoo you will need to keep your eyebrows dry and clean for seven days. This includes keeping them away from streaming water in the shower, no saunas and no sports that would cause excessive sweating such as a hot Bikram yoga.

After 24 hours the pigment will settle into the skin and become darker in colour before it starts to fade and flake away so we suggest that our clients don’t book the tattoo around any special events as the brows might make you feel a little self conscious.

We always choose a conservative colour during the first treatment as we never know how the skin will take the pigment. We can always “build on” colour at the retouch appointment.”

Can you replicate any hair colour?

"We try to create the same colour as your natural brow so that the additional strokes around the tattoo will go undetected. We often use a number of different colours to create a more 3D affect."

Who is getting it?

"Our clients ages range from 18 years all the way to up to 80 years! There isn’t an age restriction on looking or feeling fabulous.

Clients come to us for a variety of reasons - either they overplucked in the past because it was the trend, they've lost hair due to alopecia or medical treatments or they simply just want the look of a fuller brow.

Instagram has caused an enormous surge in the demand for perfect brows in the past few years."


Is there anyone it's not suitable for?

"Yes, certain skin types are not compatible with retaining the pigment in the skin. Usually oily skin types or people who use excessive active ingredients such as AHA and retinols. We also do not tattoo during pregnancy or recommend this procedure whilst breast feeding."

How much does it cost?

"Our prices start from $695 across our salons in Australia and include two appointments (the procedure and the retouch six to eight weeks later).

Sadly, there are operators that have undertaken a two day course, or oddly this training can be offered "online". We urge anyone interested to do your research and check that the operator has a government recognized certificate in "Infection Control Practices" as well as being a formal member of at least one cosmetic tattoo association.

All the artists at Amy Jean Eye Couture are trained internationally and by Amy Jean herself. Amy Jean is a member of the ACTA (Australian Cosmetic Tattoo Association) as well as the SPCP Global (Society of Permanent Cosmetic Practitioners) which ensures her star team are operating by the ethical standards imposed by these associations. If a service is cheap you may need to consider why."

You can find Amy Jean Eye Couture salons throughout Australia and keep an eye on @AmyJeanEyeCouture Instagram for news of pop ups in Adelaide and Perth.

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Top Comments

Cedesings 7 years ago

It is so painful. I actually started to go into shock. I actually had to fix mine myself. I had to scrub off bits here and there which was also painful but if I hadn't then I would have ended up with odd shaped brows. As it is I still hate them.There must be a way of giving the client the shape she asks for. (Don't worry It wasn't done at your studio as I don't live anywhere near your area).

Sarah 8 years ago

Not painful? I found it was the worst pain of my life! Worth it though.