
Faustina "Fuzzy" Agolley comes out in a beautiful blog post.

“As black as my skin, as Chinese as my blood, and as Australian and British are my nationalities, I’m also a proud Gay Woman.”

Yesterday was Australian TV presenter Faustina Agolley’s birthday and she celebrated with a cake. A giant rainbow cake.

“It’s the Elton John of cakes, complete with rainbow flares,” said Agolley, who came out as gay yesterday on her blog

READ MORE: Gut-wrenching: Gay twins come out to their dad in emotional phone call.

The former Voice Australia host previously dated AFL Footballer Heritier Lumumba (Harry O’Brien), and explained that her road to self-discovery wasn’t an easy one. Like so many people, at times, she felt lost:

“What I needed was to find my tribe. I wasn’t actively seeking it, though sometime last year I met a group of women that I could truly connect to. I could see myself in them in many ways. And they are women of character who I aspire to. Most importantly, they are women that are generous and kind. For the first time in my life I came to the full realisation of who I am and I felt safe in their company. They bolstered my confidence and gave me my voice again. And I love them eternally for it.”

Agolley also encouraged other members of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex community to “know thyself” and “know that there are people in the world that have your back.”

“Most importantly though,” she says, “I’m a happy human being.”

Fantastic news, and a birthday she won’t forget in a hurry.

We’re so delighted for you, Fuzzy. We can’t wait to see more of your prodigious talent on our TVs soon.

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Top Comments

SS 9 years ago

I can't wait to see the day when people don't feel as though they need to "come out" and it is just accepted. I have a 6 month old daughter and i will teach her that love is love. I only wish my family thought the same. I overheard my sister telling her 8 year old boys that it was abnormal to be gay. After she left the room i told them that there is nothing wrong with being gay and it is completely normal. As long as a relationship is consensual it is okay.