First, you’ll need to overcome the idea that your partner doesn’t know how fat you are.
I’m a fat woman. I’m a fat woman who has had lots and lots of awesome sex almost exclusively with partners much smaller than myself. When I met my current partner a year ago, I was at my fattest, about 150 lbs heavier than he is, making our sex the most drastic in terms of size difference relative to my past partners. Most women I know would not be comfortable with that size difference, and in candid moments, friends have asked, “So, how does that work?” The short answer? It works just great and I love it. There are many misconceptions about how fat people have sex, especially when one partner is fat and the other isn’t. I’m here to explore that topic, specifically the issue of being a fat woman having sex with a smaller partner.
I know many women who would love to have sex with smaller partners but feel that it wouldn’t work mechanically, that two drastically different bodies couldn’t come together in a pleasurable way. Additionally, many women who do have smaller partners tell me they don’t totally enjoy sex because they feel self-conscious, embarrassed, or unfulfilled because they can’t “let go” during sex. This brings me to what I feel is one of the most important parts of enjoying sex as a fat woman:
You’ll need to overcome the idea that your partner doesn’t know how fat you are.
Your partner knows, and guess what? He or she wants to have sex with you. When I was a young chubbette, I remember trying to contort my body into more “flattering” positions while I was having sex, as if my partner didn’t notice my belly was getting paunchy. I’d arch my back, refuse to do positions that made me “feel fat,” and drape different parts of my body with a blanket or pillow to hide my increasingly chubby body. Sometimes that made me feel more at ease, but mostly it became tedious, distracted me from feeling sexy, and annoyed the crap out of my partner who just wanted to see his hot girlfriend naked. Once I became much larger than I’d been before, I simply refused to have the lights on during sex for the same reason: “He won’t know what my body looks like if I don’t show him.” Well, he totally knew how fat I was, and guess what? He still wanted to have sex with me, and what’s more, he loved having sex with me.
Top Comments
Fat people can also be flexible too which means a few more positions are easily achievable, not just these 3 ... takes me a bit to make sure the joints don't cramp these days but you'd be amazed by the positions my fat and flexible body can get into ( plus I'm told men like a 'fat box' )
I have no problem understanding that large people have and enjoy sex, people of all sizes and shapes enjoy sex.
Chill world, everyone is bonking not just the skinny/socially acceptable ones. Don't want to upset you all but old people (yup - your grandparents and parents) like to do some horizontal folk dancing and don't forget people with disabilities.
*adding horizontal folk dancing to vocabulary*