reality tv

A woman was rejected on Farmer Wants A Wife last night, and she... fainted. I would've done the same.

In what feels like a never-ending sprint to the finish line, Farmer Wants A Wife season came to a dramatic end for contestant Lorelei Bates who fainted on screen after being rejected.

As with most reality dating shows the premise is to find everlasting love and go on to live a wonderful life away from the spotlight. 

In this case, the hope is to one day be swept off your feet, to live far, far away (the farm), alongside your prince charming (farmer husband) and for the women on FWAW it is more than enough of a reason to sign up to the possibility of national heartbreak

After all, heartbreak makes for great television.

Watch Farmer Wants A Wife 2023 Trailer. Story continues after video.

Video via Channel 7.

Lorelei, the 26-year-old marketing coordinator from Queensland was one of many women hoping to win over the heart of farmer David –  a 29-year-old laid-back countryman with golden locks, good manners and a stunning orchard farm. Oh, and did I forget to mention his giant moustache? 

Over the course of the show, Lorelei, alongside her fellow final contestant Emily, had visibly fallen in love with the prospect of landing a lifetime with David. 


Lorelei told producers: “To be a part of David’s future is something I want so badly.” 

But unfortunately for Lorelei, the stars weren't aligned on this occasion, meaning this wouldn't be the happily ever after she imagined. 

Anxiously awaiting their fates, the two ladies make their way over to an outdoor stage one by one. Cameras and crew on hand, to guarantee each and every tear is caught in HD.

And in what I can only assume would’ve been a standstill moment for the women, David begins his spiel by taking a deep breath.

In a very ‘it’s not you, it’s me’ sorta way, David kinda love bombs Lorelei before letting her down. Silence falls over the room as David continues.

“I came here to find love and pave a future on the farm and it breaks my heart to have to tell you… I've fallen so heavily for someone else.”

*Cue heart falling out of arse.*

Brace for impact. Image: Channel 7.


Lorelei looks down as she processes the gravity of the news, and with poise thanks David for the experience.

In the moments that follow are what producers would describe as TV gold. 

Palms sweaty, knees weak, arms look heavy. Lorelei's legs appear to turn into jelly as she whispers, "Ah, sorry. I really don't feel well," and collapses onto the farmer. 

Quick thinking big D calls for a wooden box to be placed under the fallen maiden and water fetched.

All hands on deck. Image: Channel 7.

Let me tell you, there would have been some vomit on his sweater, mum's spaghetti, if it were I in the room.


Some might describe this simply as an embarrassing moment for Lorelei. But I believe what we actually just witnessed was a real human, experiencing the full range of emotions that come with rejection – and the physiological reaction of losing someone you had grown attached to. 

Following the ceremony Lorelei shares that despite understanding she didn’t quite understand. “Every minute I thought he was going to tell me he was falling for me,” and to be honest, I kinda get where she’s coming from.

Dating a guy for several weeks, feeling the feels despite the official label, only to be told you’re not what they're looking for is a tale as old as (reality TV) time and one we’re all likely familiar with. 

So to my girl Lorelei, you’re not alone. 

Images: Channel 7, Instagram @louiie_b.

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