
Gemma was reported 'missing' after the Manchester attack. But she was at school in Melbourne.

When Australian mum Rachel Devine woke from a nap, her phone was flooded with messages asking if her 12-year-old daughter, Gemma, was safe after an Ariana Grande concert was bombed in Manchester.

After assuring worried friends and family that Gemma was in fact safe and sound at school in Melbourne, blogger and photographer Rachel realised that an image of her daughter was one of thousands shared on Twitter of people who were supposedly ‘missing’ after the terror attack.

“Apparently someone used a photo of Gemma in a fake profile on Twitter claiming she was a friend lost in the tragedy in Manchester,” Rachel wrote on Facebook.

“I’ll never understand the bizarre thing of pretending to be someone else online. Nor the tragedy at the concert.

“My thoughts go out to those parents and since a news agency contacted me, I hope this clears it up and the “news” takes her photo down.”

Gemma's photo is one of several fake images circulating online since the attack that killed 22 people and left 59 others seriously injured.

Rachel has been forced to respond to messages on Twitter, clarifying that her daughter was not present at the concert. The image used was posted to Gemma's Instagram account 97 weeks ago.

The collage that featured Gemma's image was shared on Twitter within hours of the attack and also pictures a number of well-known YouTube stars and others who were not at the venue at the time.

The image has been re-tweeted thousands of times by those trying to help find those missing in the chaos.

One of the images used in the collage was that of 17-year-old Jayden Parkinson, who was murdered in 2013.

"Why is my MURDERED daughter's picture being used in a collage of pictures of children missing dead after last night terror attack?" Samantha Shrewsbury tweeted alongside her daughter's image.

"She was killed almost four years ago not last night, not happy."

An image of Ariana Grande, covered in blood, was also widely shared online, with many claiming is was taken just minutes after the attack.

The image is actually a behind-the-scenes image from TV show Scream Queens, which Ariana starred in. The photograph dates back to 2015.

So far, only three of the 22 victims have been publicly identified - eight-year-old Saffie Rose Roussos, 26-year-old John Atkinson and 18-year-old Georgina Callander, the first to be named.

Among the fake pleas for help, hundreds of worried friends and family are still desperately searching for their loved ones after the horrific attack.

Amy Ridley told ITV News her best friend Chloe Rutherford, and her boyfriend Liam Curry, were still missing after the explosion.

"I want to hear my best friend’s voice again and make sure her and her boyfriend are okay. I love them both and wouldn't know what to do without them," she said.

15-year-old Olivia Campbell has also not been located after the attack, with mum Charlotte saying she last heard from her around half past eight.

"She was at the concert, she'd just seen the support act and said she was having an amazing time and thanking me for letting her go," Charlotte told BBC Radio 4.

"She was with her friend Adam, Adam was found about half an hour ago, he's in hospital but Olivia has not been found yet.

"I've got friends out looking for her, I've got people I don't even know out looking for her."

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