
We're not sure how we feel about this holiday card

This might be the most amazing – and creepiest – Christmas card of all time.

Ho, ho… no!

We’re scratching our heads at this one: A  photo found on Imgur wherein the faces of the parents and children have been swapped. Let’s just say the result is, well, startling.

We’re not saying it’s the creepiest thing to happen at Christmas since that time your uncle drank too much punch and retold old war stories but… it might be.

Why or where or who or what or why; we have enough unanswered questions about this holiday face swap extravaganza to fill several therapy sessions, but instead we’ll just enjoy the joke and cross our fingers that when these cards were mailed out they didn’t cause any heart attacks for older relatives unfamiliar with the magic of Photoshop.

Then again, there is an Elf on the Shelf in the background; maybe this was just some holiday trickery he pulled this year? Fingers crossed.

Do you send Christmas cards?

If Santa saw these photos, he’d say ha-ha-ha instead of ho-ho-ho. From taking the annual holiday family photo in the nude to Santas with black eyes and a daddy in a onesie – these holiday cards are hilarious. And cringe-worthy.

I Spy Santa

He used to be in the CIA - old hiding habits die hard.

The Light of Their Life

Outlets are very dangerous kids, but wrapping you in Christmas lights is all in fun.

Tongue Tied

These folks really made out at Christmas.

Bath Time Warp

Because nothing says Christmas in the ‘70s like a communal family tub.

Thank You, Mother Nature

It’s snowing men. Hallelujah, it’s snowing men!

Thank You, Mother Nature

It’s snowing men. Hallelujah, it’s snowing men!

Distant Relative

A rebel without a Claus at age three.

Totally Scrooged

What'chu lookin' at, Santa?

Star Wars vs. Charlie's Angels

The cardboard cutouts are from Star Wars; the poses are from Charlie’s Angels. The result: this seriously confused Christmas photo.

Straight Shooters

The family that preys together stays together.

Flannel Pajama Mamas

If that’s what they’re wearing on the outside, imagine the granny knickers underneath.

Bring in the Creepy Clown

Santa’s falling asleep and he needs backup...from Bozo?

The More Masked the Merrier

They’re all ready for the holidays -- and an impending biological disaster.

What a Catch

Santa was expecting cookies, not fish sticks on Christmas Eve. The kids were, too.

Black Sheep

No kids ever wanted to sit on poor Santa’s stepbrother’s lap.


Every family falls into ugly patterns at times -- especially around the holidays.

Hide the Yule Log

We’re glad they’re not posing under the mistletoe.

Objection of Affection

It’s 2:26 p.m. on Christmas Eve. Judging from the preacher’s face, they’ll be annulled by New Year’s.

Cookie Monster

Eat one of her Christmas treats or else she’ll make you wear a scary holiday vest, too.

Daddy's Onesie?

Back when Santa was young, he worked two jobs to make ends meet: present giver and circus contortionist.

To Tree or Not to Tree

Even Charlie Brown laughs at this Christmas shrub.

Real Swingers

Those golf clubs Dad gave Mum last year are finally coming in handy!


They say that it’s the thought that counts, but we’d be totally freaked out if we found this Stepford family under our tree.

Survivor: Christmas

Santa’s definitely going to vote them off the island.

Oh My Goth

They’re dreaming of a black Christmas.

Three’s Company

We’re really looking forward to the new reality show Santa Wives.

Different Strokes

The kids were given a choice: Put on tacky red suits like Mum and Dad, or go with swimwear. It meant lifelong wedgies either way.

Season’s Beatings

We know who’s been naughty not nice this year. No presents for you, Santa -- not even bail money.

All Fired Up

In some families, Christmas is nothing but a drag.

Silent Night

Sorry, guys. Maybe you'll get that Atari next year.

You've Got Mail

Play your cards right, and you'll get on the Johnsons' holiday mailing list.

Oh, Holey Card

They may or may not be playing with a full deck.

Who Hears Daddy on the Roof?

The kids aren't falling for dad's antics again this year.

Talk to the Hand

That's right, little sis. All these presents are for me.

Axe Nicely

This rare portrait of young Stephen King and his family explains a lot.

Sister Photobomb

Santa's not the only one watching.

Speaking of the Nutcracker…

They said no cartwheels near the tree, but nobody said anything about splits.

Oh, Deer!

Rudolph rejoiced when he finally got the corndog plant he'd been begging Santa for.

Soldier On

It was this or sugar plum fairies, and dad put his foot down.

Spit Baby, Spit

Spit happens -- even on Christmas.

Grin and Bear It

Clearly she is not the Angel of Mercy.

A Literal Low Blow

Frankie was very excited to see Santa that year.

Check Us Out!

Anybody else suddenly craving pizza?


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