Is this the secret you wouldn’t even share with your best friend?
I have a secret to confess.
I wonder if I will get judged for it (I am sure I would if I said it on the playground or at school pick up).
I certainly hope you don’t judge my seven-year-old for it because after all he is just a kid.
But I think we are all pretty nice to one another around here so here it goes.
(Deep breath.)
My son attends a before-school reading class one day a week.
There a “qualified educator” sits with him and a group of other kids and helps them read, as well as assisting his slightly wonky writing style (that he inherited from me, sorry sweetheart) and if they are very, very good lets them do some special activities on their iPad.
So if you wanted to you could accuse me of getting extra tutoring.
Because it is.
Having confessed, I now feel the need to justify his intelligence. I feel the need to defend him to those of you thinking my child is the class dunce and I even feel a great desire to scan in a copy of his recent report and say, ‘Well lookey here’.
But I am going to resist (with great difficulty) because I’m trying to be the bigger person here.
He loves his local public primary school but I was struggling finding the time to help him do all that extra reading.
We gave it a try and haven’t looked back.
What IS tough is hearing playground gossip about “those” types of children who get extra tutoring and what “those” types of mothers who “force” their kids to attend must be like.
In the year or so he has been attending - and loving it - the great eye opener for me has been just how much tutoring - of any type - seems to be the great suburban shame.