From the moment I fell pregnant, I’ve been scared to go through labour. Mostly because of the way it’s been depicted through mainstream media (can anybody find me a labouring lady on screen who isn’t screaming/experiencing horrific pain please?) Plus I think listening to your girlfriends talk about their own experiences without any of the bullsh*t is enough to haunt any woman who’s never given birth before.
Actually, after listening to some stories, I must admit I even considered hunting down places to buy and order epidurals online. That way when the time actually came to give birth, I could get to the hospital all prepared and tell the doctor – “I’m all over it Doc. I packed my epidural…” but then I though that would be a little too crazy.
Even for a hormonal pregnant woman.
Anyway, most of my feelings of helplessness and fear seemed to occur during the first and second trimesters. It was around the time that my boobs decided to embark on a mega growing journey of their own and I started crying for no real reason at all.