By: Sharon for Divorced Moms
When I divorced my husband fifteen years ago there were times it felt like I was experiencing a death. Death is synonymous with a loss of life, but death is an ending or a termination.
My divorce was not the death of physical life, but the ending of the life that I was living. Divorce, in general, is a living death. My divorce was the end of our current relationship, end of our roles, end of some friendships and family, end of our dreams, hopes and aspirations. I not only survived this living death, I reclaimed myself and built a new and different life.
I took on a new and different relationship with my husband, he was now my ex-husband or the father of our two children. This new relationship was challenging, but I endured. I am incredibly grateful that I worked toward peace within myself and with him years earlier. Peace is the result of forgiveness.
Forgiveness means I stopped feeling angry and resentful. What I did was resolve my own inner hurt, and the result was the new relationship became healthier and friendlier. Please know it doesn’t mean I stopped having boundaries nor excused acts that were hurtful.
My relationship with my ex changed once again. In March 2015, my ex-husband died within three weeks of his diagnosis from a very swift and deadly cancer. The living death became a death of a living life.