In 2020, it feels like everything is completely out of control...including my face.
There is a shared feeling among my friends right now that our skin sucks just as much as 2020 has, whether it be dealing with 'maskne' or overloading our faces with too many ingredients to try feel 'in control'.
Case in point: my skin. It’s usually pretty good, but my skin concerns fall mainly into three categories: dryness/dehydration, dullness (gimme that glow), and I get these cystic bad boys that live on my face for MINIMUM four weeks at a time (they should really pay rent).
My pimples have really stepped it up and brought their A-game in 2020, and I put it down to the stress of living through you know, A PANDEMIC, and also - as important as they are of course - masks, as they create the perfect environment for my chin pimples to thrive.