
Erin Molan's latest photo proves we are all one of two kinds of holidaymakers.

There are two kinds of holidaymakers in this world: the let’s wake up at five to catch the sunrise and the let’s wake up naturally and slither towards a cocktail.

It’s funny how no matter which one you are, fate often makes your partner the opposite.

Channel Nine Footy Show co-host Erin Molan has proven our theory in a post that signifies she’s the early riser of your dreams (or nightmares).

Molan, 34, is pictured bright-eyed and bushy-tailed beside her snoozing partner Sean Ogilvy while on holiday in Bali.

The image is captioned: “WAKE UP ALREADY #bored #hewillnotbehappyiposted #sleepingbeauty #baliawaits #thebalibible.”

Hashtag brutal. Hashtag truth.

One fan commented on the image with a rather helpful – if a bit early – suggestion.

“Best ever @erin_molan! Just sneak out and order a bottle of champagne for yourself,” they said.

The image was soon followed by another that held the hashtag “he woke up”.

Molan has been posting various images of the pair touring the holiday destination over the past five days.

She even apologised to fans for flooding their feeds with idyllic imagery.

It’s okay. If we can survive everyone going to Europe in winter, we can survive anything.

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KM 8 years ago

I'm totally sleeping in until the breakfast rush is over... Drag self to pool... Swim, eat, sleep... Cocktail, shag (if I'm lucky)... Sleep... Repeat.... I don't even like to leave the resort 🙈