
Most people can see themselves in this video. Can you?


It’s a video that’s made to document man’s relationship with the natural world.

And in just three minutes this clip – which was made by animator Steve Cutts – manages to show just how much damage we’re doing to the environment on a day-to-day basis.

The video has seven million views and counting. Watch it and you’ll understand why.

And the scariest thing? This video was made in 2012 – how little the world has changed.

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Top Comments

Guest 10 years ago

Yes, humans consume things, as does every other animal, single celled bacteria or plankton. Why is this such a surprise to people that we do the same?

craigvn 10 years ago

Because unlike other animals humans have gone from eating to survive to eating to excess.

Sipper 10 years ago

The elites are finally working out that of the following three you can only have two simultaneously. Population of 7B, mass consumption, climate stability. It will be interesting to see what the top 1% decide.

craigvn 10 years ago

Climate stability will lose because stopping population growth is almost impossible in developing nations and the other two require sacrifices in the first world that people are unwilling to make.