
Banish these seven things from your life and you'll be so much happier.

Are you ready for a new level of brilliance? Ready for your best life yet? It’s all going to be possible thanks to my revolutionary new elimination “diet”.

You will need to get rid of a few things, but I promise you’ll feel lighter, refreshed and have a kick ass all round glow. Did I mention it’s free?

Get ready to shed…


You’ll need to tell negativity to get the hell out of your life — the shit friendships, the bad love affairs, the anger you hold over certain past situations, the hours on social media you’ll never get back staring at people you don’t know from a bar of soap.

It's possible to eradicate negativity from your life. Really. (iStock)

Negativity doesn’t really want to leave easily; you’ll have to be diligent and practice being positive on a regular basis. You’ll have to choose happiness. You’ll have to stop yourself when you feel pulled into a negative headspace. You may need to talk to a professional to help you deal with your unhappy feelings.

There are options, and you can move towards the light.

Crappy food

Get with the program, girlfriend — some of that crappy food has got to go. Dump it now. Make a pact with yourself that you will opt for more produce (fresh stuff like veg, fruit, meat, dairy, and good fats like avocados and nuts) and less products (that’s stuff in boxes and packets filled with weird numbers and fillers you simply don’t need).

Learn to feel what your body likes to eat and how it performs when you eat like this. You don’t need a manual – eat intuitively.


Listen: Need to learn to take care of yourself? You need to know about hygge. (Post continues after audio.)

Guilt and shame

What is it you are feeling so guilty about? Who made you feel like that? Did you really do something that bad to warrant years and years of feeling like you’ve done something horrible and wrong? Maybe someone has made you feel like that?

If, so you’ll have to refer to the first step, Negativity, and remove the source from your world. It may also be time to make peace with yourself and work towards a future where guilt and shame doesn’t exist; where you don’t allow it to penetrate your force field. Ain’t nobody got time for that.

Want instant happiness? Smile....or drink a lot of wine! #worldhappinessday ????????????????????????????

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Do you have a lot of stuff? I’m talking multiples of the same item (maybe in different colours), or a house filled with clutter and knick-knacks. Or does the urge to go shopping each week to purchase something new, anything, to fill a space or a void in your life overpower you?

Does having that stuff around you make you feel safe and secure? Does it make you feel successful? What if all that stuff was gone tomorrow, all wiped out in the blink of an eye in some terrible fire or earthquake — how would you feel? Devastated? Or perhaps lighter? Free?

I’m not asking you to rid your life of your all possessions, but I am urging you to contemplate a life with less stuff. Stuff weighs us down. Stuff turns into more stuff. We get addicted to having better stuff. It’s a cycle; one you can stop by simply buying less. Buying stuff constantly is a strain on the environment, especially disposables like plastic. Have a declutter, buy less stuff, live simply.

It might be time to contemplate a life with less... stuff. Image: Touchstone Pictures


It’s time to get strong! It’s time to push your body the way it was designed to be exert energy. Exercise, do yoga, lift weights, walk, run, swim - whatever form takes your body towards strength.

Try to be regular in your movements, each day if possible — nothing that stresses you out, just something for 20-45 minutes per day that perks your mood, makes you feel a little tingly and refreshed. Don’t stop after two weeks. Keep going.


Is your life feeling a little same-same? Does the mundane way of life get you down? You have the ability to inject a little fun and adventure into your life. How? You get to do whatever the FUCK you want to do with your life. It’s YOUR life.


Everything in life is work-out-able. By that, I mean there's always a solution you can work around or figure out to suit you. Be brave and do what makes you FEEL. Have a once-in-a-lifetime holiday, go for a new job that looks scary but is totally your thing, start a business, climb a mountain, move out of the city.

Listen: We could all learn a thing or two from the happiest people on earth. (Post continues after audio.)


Ah yes, the old thief of joy: comparison.

Women are brilliant at doing this, hourly if not daily. 'Megan is such a good mum, my kids aren’t even dressed, I’m a shit mum.' 'Wow, look at Sarah, she just got a promotion. She is so good at her job.' 'Oh, Elizabeth is so skinny, she doesn’t even have to work out. I could never look like her' — and on and on it goes.

Most of the time it's just a word vomit of ridiculous phrases that have no true meaning but constantly invade our subconscious. Listen up, I’ll say this clearly: STOP COMPARING YOURSELF TO OTHERS

Move on from others and put the work and effort into yourself. You are enough, and so is she.

This post originally appeared on Natalie Carter Talks Fitness and was republished here with full permission. You can also follow Natalie on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter