
The unexpected thing Em Rusciano does every day to relax.

Life can be so insanely busy sometimes that we often forget to just stop. And relax.

We’re working longer hours, we’re trying to make time for family and friends, we’re always on the go and the only time we stop is at night when we finally fall into bed, face-first, spent and exhausted. Sometimes just a glimpse of all the dots on your smart phone calendar can give you heart palpitations, even if the dots are for fun things like work socials and that long-awaited haircut. They are still things you have to find time TO DO.

Finding time to relax doesn’t have to wait for your annual holiday or for the next long weekend. You can find time to relax every single day, for a moment or two.

Think about your day. Do you have little moments where you can stop for a cup of your favourite coffee and take stock of your day? You’ll be surprised how refreshing it can be when you make a conscious effort to do this every day, no matter how insanely busy you are.

In part two of our eight-part 5 to 9 diaries, we ask the question, “What is your most restful time of the day?”

Come on. You can think of at least one.

What’s your most restful time of the day?


NESCAFÉ Café Menu® Team, has acknowledged that the modern Australian woman is busier and working longer hours than ever before.

Research shows that the traditional 9 to 5 workday does not exist; instead 5 to 9 is a better reflection of modern women today.

To salute the heroic efforts of women and encourage them to take a moment for themselves, we have re-recorded the classic song, ‘9 to 5’ and created a music video showcasing all the challenges women deal with in their 5 to 9 day.

WATCH the ‘5 to 9 Diaries’ video series here:

– Episode 1

– Episode 3

Episode 4

– Episode 5

– Episode 6

– Episode 7