
Peppa Pig Easter craft, for when your kids whine "I'm bored."

Easter holiday fun times ahead.

So guys, we’re very nearly up to the Easter holidays. You’re about to find white powdery foot prints leaving behind a trail of delicious-y chocolate eggs for your children to find.

That extra long weekend is also an awesome chance to spend some serious quality time with the family. Hurrah!

But with all that free time and all that family time you know there’s going to be at least one moment (okay probably more like 36 thousand moments) where your kids whine about having nothing to do.

So lucky you – we have some crafty and creative activities that you can print off and give to your kids, because FUN.

Try colouring in.

If your kids aren't great at staying inside the lines, or if you still have another 34 whining episodes to go, maybe try this bunting creation for their room.

Or a cut and glue hat...

Or cards, so they can give them to family and friends with those eggs from the Easter bunny.

Or all of the above.

Seriously, the holiday craft activities are endless. Peppa Pig has just given you some time to chill out while your kids get creative. Just watch they keep it on paper - so your not scrubbing the walls afterward.

Enjoy the Easter break.

What are your plans for Easter?

And if your little one is a Peppa Pig lover and their birthday is coming up SCROLL THROUGH the gallery for some Peppa Pig inspo...

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"They just did THIS to Peppa pig."

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